
Yeah, I mean I was worried in the 1st act when he was attacked by brown kids and this would be some BS falling down shit for sad white men but it wasn’t! Him killing the stock brokers was a great moment for all New Yorkers who hate the bros in real life! :)

“As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a clown...” This movie writes itself!

Has Barsanti ever changed his tune, despitr being presented with evidence to the contrary? He still seems to think that Lawrence of Arabia and The Great Wall are "white savior" movies, because apparently, someone on the internet said so.

A lot of pre-written articles raging against the movie for inspiring mass shootings got deleted after Joker released and nothing happened. The article writers are still very salty about it. Delicious.

That was proven with tons of evidence to have nothing to do with the Joker. All fear mongering hysterical nonsense invented by the ex NYPD commissioner that was looking for attention after he was ousted for stop and frisk.

They had policemen and armed security inside theaters on opening night as the media and many people including this site falsely tried to tie the Aurora theater shooting to Joker as well. Turned out that the incels didn’t really care for this film and it was all media hysteria.

Snipe, absolutely. Imply for months that a film you haven't seen will inspire violence across the nation? Maybe not.

I’m so glad you’ve said that, the pre-release talk was insufferable and to be fair the AV Club weren’t the only ones - The Guardian were bad too, for example.

You’re then forgetting a part of it. Before the film came out, there was a pretty big hulabaloo, AV Club itself joining in the fray, about how this was a film that was going to glorify incels and inspire mass shootings. Note that at that point none of the people worrying about that had not seen the film and were just

So did critics, reviewing it through a lens that the people who made it clearly weren’t touching. You really think a bunch of middle-aged men were making this movie as some sort of tribute to “incel” culture? They probably didn’t even know what that term was.

So what’s the over/under on number of thinkpieces the AV Club can churn out about how this is a dark herald of our times and/or will definitely lead to real world violence?

I get that it was basically ripping off two far better movies (Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy), but seriously, it was well produced and acted. So long as people get it was a Scorsese mashup with comics theming, it was a perfectly okay movie. Better than most comic book movies.

Huh, was the A.V. Club petulantly sniping at Joker a thing? Unlike most of the known universe that liked the movie?

The film cost about a sixth or less than The Rise of Skywalker but grossed worldwide about the same amount of money give or take a few million (no-one’s quite sure). I think the chances of some sort of follow up movie were quite decent after that. Star Wars not quite so much.

There was definitely several orders of magnitude more handwringing about incels (before the movie even came out) than there were actual incels.

Remember when there was a lot of Very Serious Discourse about how Joker was going to be a horrifically incendiary movie that would inspire a legion of psychopathic incels to go on mayhem sprees, and then it turned out to be a pretty okay flick and nothing happened?

Oof. That’s a headline.

Sorry Erin, but this is a bad, click-bait-y article.

I feel like a huge part of the problem are those 178 rail crossings over just 66.5 miles. That’s a rail crossing every 1,973 feet (601 meters) compared to one every 9,916 feet (3,022 meters) for CalTrain. That’s more than five times the number of railway crossings per unit distance, which is just another way of saying

Wait....if I pay the ACLU millions of dollars, they’ll ghost write whatever I want without any type of fact checking?