
brothels are +2 public order, Bronn understands the mob is Rome

“This finale is the Dexter of How I Met Your Mother’s own Battlestar Galactica.”

They made him King because of the sudden shortage of royal chairs. He was the only one who brought his own.

I love that Jon was apparently stupid enough to confess despite there being no body.

Looking forward to the million fanboy march on HBO’s HQ in Midtown since 1 million people signed that change.org petition.

Serious question: if they’d kept things as slow and methodical as previous seasons, how many more seasons would it take to finish the story?

Arya: [Whispering] Sansa, the eunuch is standing right there.

So much hate in you. I can’t begin to imagine how sad and lonely your days must be for you to wait for nights to watch shows you disdain. 

Winner of “Best Game” Award has to go to Bronn. This is a man that started out as nothing but a commoner. He was a sell sword. A nobody. When the game is over, he’s sitting on HighGarden, one of the best castles in all of Westeros, and is Master of Coin on the King’s Council. And all of that without having to fight

In the end, Bran let Dany go on her rampage because he knew she would make his kingdom more ADA compliant.

Bran bends the knee to nobody.

Jesus, that sound, man. It's like something out of a kung fu movie.

Point: Guns are dumb.

I have to admit that I almost feel bad for attacker, I mean aside from the potential mental health issues there. This is your moment of fame where you dropkicked a 70-year old man from the back and he barely felt your attack.


See, you do need good guys with guns!

“The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun solid tackling fundamentals.”

National Receiver Association > National Rifle Association.

Agreed, with the now-standard caveat that such heroes should not be necessary if only the GOP would stop being so beholden to the NRA and gun manufacturers.

I hope he said something cool as he took the gunman down, like “sorry, son. You just entered a Lowe security area.”