
So.... no to Harry Potter?

I guess what has astounded me most by the rush to develop autonomous technology has been a fairly significant rush to ignore the challenges these drive-by-x systems will have with roads that are substandard in some way.

So if I understand you correctly, Tesla could collect all the data it needs by having Autopilot in shadow mode. There’s no reason to actually have Autopilot enabled.

Hey now, watch what you say about Tesla around here. The diehards have drank the Kool-Aid and don’t accept negativity towards their beloved Tesla. According to many people it is perfectly OK for Tesla to be testing a completely unproven piece of automotive technology on the same roads us and our families use.

Tesla was supposed to be about revolutionizing electric propulsion. Autopilot is not helping. Musk is pointlessly risking the company by selling his science experiment to the public.

Wow, crossing the double yellow like that is nightmare fuel.

It just seemed like a Cascade of problems. The Model S may see its Centennial celebration before it’s perfected. I wonder if Tesla has conducted any road tests in East Kent?

the PT cruiser, the pontiac aztek, etc.

Because most car buyers aren’t known for their rational decisions.

A man who is 6 feet 6 inches tall is going to have a lifelong physical advantage over most female athletes in most sports no matter what hormones he takes.

this isn’t a trans issue. whatever this human identifies as, it is using PED’s. so ban the cheating fuck.

It’s a choice. The taking of drugs has consequences. One is no wrestling.

The rules were written before all this trans noise started being a thing.

I wrestled in high school back in the 90's. There’s were some girls. None made the varsity teams at the AAAA level and I never saw one win a match—even at the lighter weights.

Birth certificate gender should trump personal convictions and medical treatments. Want to take Test? You fail drug test. Don’t wrestle at all. Consequences of choices.

Selling pencils?

I have been through A LOT of interviews and every company that asked me bullshit questions like how many mailboxes are in seattle or how many ping pong balls can fit in a bus have turned out to be weak companies that really don’t know what they are doing. Being in the consulting/data science industry I get that they

If the boulder is sufficiently large and the boat sufficiently small, there would be no change in the water level because you would already be underwater once the boulder is released.

I can understand wanting to see how someone responds to a question they can’t answer (or couldn’t answer immediately), but the problem is when PHBs get their hands on these questions and assume there is a “right” answer, or turn the question into a D&D session. Why make it so random? Make it a more esoteric problem

I hate these kind of “questions”. Most interviewers probably don’t even have a general idea of what a good “response” would be (my smart-ass answer would be: “At least ten”, and then if there’s a pregnant pause I would show myself out) but present them as some sort of “deep insight” possibility.