They represent 43 percent of the brand’s 925 U.S. dealerships but only about 9 percent of its sales last year.
They represent 43 percent of the brand’s 925 U.S. dealerships but only about 9 percent of its sales last year.
Really? The BCS was slowly killing my enjoyment of NCAA football and the playoff system murdered it. I haven’t seen a game since 2011-2012 and feel no desire to start now. It’s not the only reason I quit watching college ball, but it’s up there.
Meanwhile Canadian college teams have begun a bidding war over mysterious newcomer Les Kilometers.
Sure, but the NFL will be watching 4 or 5 years of what’s his name, that DE that made that one tackle against a Michigan player who went on to be a nothing in the NFL after basically taking a pass on his final college football season.
4 games from 4 years ago? Good thing twitter wasn’t around 10 years ago.
These are totally vile tweets, but why is he being punished four years later for them?
This is literally the most obvious joke i could think of it and it is flying right over people’s heads.
Is this a joke???? What about the first amendment? Freedom of speech?
People Magazine said that? I thought they’d be more focused on Brad & Angelina’s divorce.
Some corrections/perspectives:
Ahhh.....lest we forget Coach Dickscab was going to make a run for the US Senate against Obama. Similar personality to Trump....a pair of herpes sores whose biggest fans are themselves and with a fan base of uneducated peons who’ve never accomplished much so they latch on to a loudmouthed turdblossom and live…
The fact that he only won one super bowl with that team shows you how much of a fuck-up he is! Even Rex Ryan could have won 3 super bowls with his dad’s defense and Walter Payton. Hell you could have replaced Buddy Ryan with Rob and the Bears still would have won. There is a reason the Bears carried Buddy off the…
Buddy Ryan was more responsible for the ‘85 Bears than Ditka.
Mike Ditka is a fucking asshole and people worshiping him always perplexes me. Rich Kotite could’ve won with the 85 Bears.
I’m very interested to see if Tesla maintains their direct method in the long run, assuming they survive. Today, they are selling low volume, high margin products without an expectation of profit. Tomorrow, they want to sell high volume, low margin as well. That means more vehicle inventory and more service centers.…
How about taking pre-orders and then repeatedly pushing back deadlines because (surprise suprise) they can’t actually make the car that quickly? how about consistently underperforming financially while milking investors for more money? How about intentionally misleading customers while hiding behind disclamers, and…
How is this law any different from state laws that require alcohol to be sold at liquor stores? If those laws are legal, isn’t this car law legal too? I’d love to see liquor sold in grocery stores, so I hope that this lawsuit is successful and that the grocery industry will use the precedent to overturn dumb state…
It’s because he walked on the wild side
You’re just mad you don’t feel the vibrations any longer....
“Whole30 also prohibits treats that are usually made with non-paleo ingredients, so it’s considered cheating to recreate muffins or pancakes even if you use approved ingredients like almond flour.”