Why didn’t you share the post where he called the police America’s terrorists?
Why didn’t you share the post where he called the police America’s terrorists?
This from a person that claims that the police are America’s Terrorists (http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/the-police-are…) .
I’ll issue you a challenge... I doubt you’ll have the balls to take it, but here it is...
Wait....what? There’s a “war on guns”? Why not a war or murderers or mental illness or drunk drivers? Any one of the three would save more lives than a libtard “war on guns”.
Just buy a phone and get Straight Talk from Walmart and call it a day. Cheaper than any of the other options and you can choose your network (AT&T vs Verizon) based on the phone (CDMA or GSM) that you buy.
If you like your breakfast sandwich dry and tough, get one quick!
If you like your breakfast sandwich dry and tough, get one quick!
OK. He screwed up. But he didn’t do anything to intentionally harm Nintendo. His firing and the cold hearted response will do more to harm their image than anything he said on that podcast.
How the F(#@ do you manage to eliminate contracts and make things MORE CONFUSING?
They still need to give us control over who adds us to their groups. Guilt by association is something a lot of people would like to avoid, if possible. Go ahead and invite me to one of your groups...but I should have the final say of whether I accept and am added.
Just more proof that Microsoft has no intentions of being in the phone business.
Nobody’s even sure what the best diet is (if there is such a thing), but we should know this by now.
This is one of those times I’d rather trust a computer to land the plane.
This is one of the top 10 shittiest attempts at manufacturing an article from nothing that I have ever seen on a Gawker site (and I’ve seen some that still have me seeing brown).
What engine does it use?
A lighter and some hornet spray works well and adds a little spark to your July 4th festivities.
Seems like it could be dangerous. This is just a magnet, after all, that reacts to other magnetic material in the wall. While that certainly could be a nail or screw, it could also be other things - things you may not want to plant a nail in.
I think everything has some weakness - especially when dealing with somebody like the NSA with virtually unlimited spending ability for neat little things like supercomputers.
Maybe its just me, but I just don't trust Google. They are way too chummy with the NSA for my taste. I'll opt for keeping files on something that encrypts them before they are even uploaded (like Mega or Bitcasa).