Self driving cars will be the new Segways. The only people that will buy them are government officials who don’t give a shit how they spend taxpayer money - just like the Segways.
Self driving cars will be the new Segways. The only people that will buy them are government officials who don’t give a shit how they spend taxpayer money - just like the Segways.
None of this YouTube self-mutilation is even necessary. It can all be automated and handled by the advertisers themselves. No moderators needed.
YouTube (Google) can simply use AI to generate a text script from a video when the video is uploaded. They do pretty well with voice recognition - at least in English.
Ok...I know this is off-topic, but why are bathroom sink faucets (like the one in the picture in this story) so damned short?
Ok...I know this is off-topic, but why are bathroom sink faucets (like the one in the picture in this story) so…
I can just see the millions of Windows app developers chomping at the bit to give Microsoft 30% of their revenue ( AND to get lost in a sea of millions of apps like the poor slobs in the Play store.
No thanks. I have a car to fix. I get paid to do the sort of stuff you’re asking me to do for free.
At what point do you think they said to themselves...“Other apps suck, so let’s make ours suck too.”
Too complicated to use. Try getting quotes for replacing all 4 shocks.
There really should be an ad blocker that combines ad blocking and tracker blocking (like the Ghostery plugin does).
And I just uninstalled it....
Credit scores are a scam. The only thing they measure is how good you are at paying interest. Credit scores are for lenders, NOT YOU.
I’m a fan of tiny homes, and this article just made me realize something...I’ve never seen (or even heard discussed) a washer or dryer in a tiny home?
I’m a fan of tiny homes, and this article just made me realize something...I’ve never seen (or even heard discussed)…
The government broke up the phone companies because of a monopoly, so why not bust this company up?
Holy shit is this guy boring.
The original is awesome....but I loathe the new one with a rechargable battery. You just know the damned thing will run out when you need it most. Then you are stuck with a mouse that has to be plugged in (always a winner) until it recharges.
The original is awesome....but I loathe the new one with a rechargable battery. You just know the damned thing will…
I cannot find a good source for comparing the wireless range of routers. Anyone seen any comparisons of this type done by a credible source?
I cannot find a good source for comparing the wireless range of routers. Anyone seen any comparisons of this type…
You might want to read this first....
They should have stuck with “It’s our damned company. They are our damned cars. And we’ll sell them and damned way we want.”
Don’t schedule lunch meetings at all! Not everyone at work likes each other (or you). Sometimes taking that break at lunch is all that stands between a tolerable work environment and another speech by Obama about how bad guns are.