Gus McCrae

I don't think he'll ever be "Bill Cosby" like he was before, but should he somehow escape punishment for his crimes, he'll be able to work, and there'll be people to go and see him Someone, somewhere, will even offer him film or TV work. That's just the world we live in now.

This is not the devastating AV Club take-down you think it is - It just makes you sound like you only read the headline. Try harder.

I'm continually amazed at the things that some people need explained to them.

Totally thought it was him when I first saw it!

Much as I like Bruce Campbell, I think he is not right - McClane is a cop, not Batman.Nothing in his day-to-day experience as a New York cop would have prepared him to take on a group of organized, armed thieves without weapon or backup. His being a cop might mean he has a certain mindset, can fire a gun, and is

Uncomfortable with the notion that if enough people are wrong, it becomes right…but I guess that's the way a "living language" works.

That was the first thing I thought of (Also liked the scene with her undercover at the sex party - Thought that was effectively tense). But mostly a waste of time.

That was more my sense of it as well.

That's a good point. I did think about that afterward. And of course, we're just two episodes in, so who knows what they have planned?

I think so too. If the hosts are starting to retain fragments of traumatic memories, what would it be like for them to remember being in love?

I kind of think that's the plan. One of them, anyway.

Yeah, it's already gotten tiresome - and feels unrealistic - that everyone (Except William) is a sadist who just wants the freedom to rape and murder at will. I wouldn't mind a little more nuance there.

Yeah, I know it was supposed to convey his hesitance to "let go", but when he turned her down, I thought "That boy ain't right…" (Or maybe it was going to lead to a "reveal" that he's gay).

Keith and Veronica Mars was the first one I thought of.

Saying that Clinton has "erased" her lead sounds pejorative, suggesting some new scandal or terrible gaffe on her part - Have I missed something?

It can be two things!

Does saying "Yes, you're right" constitute "discussion"? Because you are.

Letterman has mixed it up with Bill O'Reilly and Trump, and made it entertaining. He's the first person I thought of when this story came out.

That's funny, because Joe and Ryan really aren't working for me, mostly because Ryan hasn't emerged as an at-all interesting character.

It was such a good moment to come clean that it almost feels like writerly contrivance that she didn't.