Gus McCrae

Definitely. One of the toughest things in the episode, for me, was watching him be rejected both as a father and a surrogate-father.

I sure don't WANT it to, in any case - Ryan comes off as a kid, and Joe is a man (A messed-up man, to be sure, but a man nevertheless) - but it would be nice if something happened, because this plot isn't doing much for me as-is.

I've pondered this myself…It's not fleshed-out enough to be a "theory", but I've wondered if it was because of how he was cast in those movies - I only saw The Rock once (When it first came out), so don't really remember it that well, but in the other movies, he's either a hero that doesn't make it through to the end,

Definitely. It grounds the fantastic in reality, and humanizes our hero - Most people don't know how the technology in their life works (I certainly don't, anyway), so why would this ground-level soldier from the future?

I also remember reading that and thinking, as much as I like the movie, that they'd missed the boat - I imagine they wanted to keep the pace relentless and make things seem hopeless for our heroine, but I think it would have dialed up the tension considerably.

Such a good post I wish I'd written it. I agree entirely. And good example of a show, in contrast, that did a cliffhanger episode about as good as cliffhangers get,

Yeah, I prefer my cult movies to be either "great movies that didn't find an audience for some reason", or "heartfelt train-wrecks".

Exactly what I thought - "Why do I have to choose?"

Was just making that point myself on Facebook - Hitting the age where the performers who are dying are the "people I grew up with".

I was in the single digits - I knew that I liked what I was seeing, I just didn't know why.

I'd watch at least one review where he rip's into Denny's as J. Jonah Jameson…

I genuinely don't know if I want to know…

Yeah, just focusing on her ass as she walks away doesn't say shit about her "not caring what other people think". It's just the director saying to the audience, "Hey, how about that ASS?"

Yeah, I just see "Will Smith", and it made me realize I'm kind of tired of Will Smith at this point. I'd rather have had someone I could have bought as the character, instead of another recycling of his standard quippy action-movie guy.

Face it - You said what you said, revealed your game, and now we all know what you are. I know you're going to go on and on, deflecting and insulting and not knowing you're beaten, but the game's over.

Info Wars? Really? "The Left" doesn't have to "push" anything here - he says/has said horrifically misogynistic things about women pretty much throughout his life. You have had moments of relative lucidity in these comments, but to deny this is the case, and quote Info Wars to back you up, makes you seem kind of nuts.

Seriously? How is this relevant to anything? Even if it's true, who cares? Stewart isn't running for office, and Trump isn't running to be my BFF, he's running for President…or Reality Star-In-Chief, as there's every possibility he'd hand off the real work of running the country to Pence, who, frankly, doesn't seem as

I'm mildly saddened by this news.

First thing I thought when I saw it. And I'll hazard a guess that we are not alone in this.

I agree there's a "boy who cried Hitler" problem here. But it does feel like we're at the point in the story where the boy cries Hitler because Hitler's running for President (Or at least someone as close to Hitler as we've come so far).