Gus McCrae

A complaint that it's "lazy and uncreative" suggests it's a comedy bit on CK's part. But it's not. It's his opinion. And I think you get to have an opinion that some other people have as well, even if you're a professional funny person.

Strange headline for this article, considering that the story goes on to say the movie is not well-cast (except for Rains), and is indifferently shot (Can't speak to the Chris Rock version, but I like Heaven Can Wait a great deal).

Yeah, I suspect we'll never know, but I just keep doubting Martha made it to Moscow (And if she did, I don't think it's a life we really want to look in on, because I suspect it's a very, very sad existence).

Had a nice interaction with Ms Keener when I worked at the ArcLight in Hollywood, years back. It's nice when you meet actors you admire, and they're cool, huh?

I'm afraid I disagree with you on this one, Jordo…

I don't think we know for sure that she has.

I think you have to pull that trigger…so to speak.

Yeah, she sounded offended that she'd insulted their spy-craft.

I found waiting for Elizabeth's response pretty suspenseful. But when I thought about it afterward, they really had to have her say "yes" - Now that she's admitted to Gabriel (and to herself) that she doesn't want to see it through, it'll be all the more painful when Gabriel comes back and says, "Tough luck, you gotta

For some reason, I was feeling like her overdone reaction was part of playing him (Maybe because of her relative restraint - and the shushing - last time?).

I thought it was a nice bit of black comedy when Elizabeth basically said that. To me, she sounded a little offended - "Yeah, because we'd be stupid enough to kill him without killing her…!".

I was sorry to see him go…but impressed that they had him smash through a window and be fatally stabbed by the glass. Considering how many times I've seen someone smash through glass on TV or in movies, it's rare I've seen someone even get cut, let alone be fatally impaled and bleed out.

Yeah, that was the clear implication of the story. Seems extremely unlikely Phillip would tell Paige about the time his mother screwed his boss - to get the money he was owed - to demonstrate how "tough" Russian mothers had to be.

Yeah I think the only coda to Martha's story that would make sense dramatically is having Phillip somehow find out she never actually made it to Russia.

That was my reaction as well, which was especially disappointing since I'd been all about the digressive conversations in previous movies.

Yeah, I really needed someone to at least say that (In addition to maybe firing the receptionist - Speaking of which, have we ever seen a receptionist at the firm?). It felt very much like a sitcom contrivance.

I actually found myself hoping she gets to off herself before they get to the rendezvous point.

Does it snow it Belize? Cause that's the only place Martha's going.

♫He's a bad hammer-jammer…♫

Felt like an attempt to do Elmore Leonard/Justified, without the razor-sharp writing to pull it off. I was entertained - and it was nice to see Michael Kenneth Williams - but definitely second-tier stuff.