Gus McCrae

I was thinking just that earlier today - "I hope somehow Mike ends up putting him in that wheelchair…".

Yeah, I definitely got that vibe as well.

Agreed. It's more accurate to say she's found something that makes her feel good.

I think anyone who watches a lot of TV has things like that - One of mine is dry-eyed "crying".

I've wanted to do my Chromecast, but haven't been able to get it to work, so have just been watching on my laptop.

No, she was just part-timing it.

I'm not troubled by comic book movies having endless sequels - beyond the fact that they're often not very good - because that's inherent to comic books. But I've definitely had an issue with great stand-alone movies becoming crappy franchises (Like Die Hard and Terminator), or threatened sequels that mess with very

It most certainly was…not only did I get that wrong, but I misread your initial comment entirely, attempting to "correct" you when you were already "telling on yourself".

He was a TV anchor, in the 70s-era comics.

Going in Style? Just with bank robbers instead of jewel thieves, and not "based on a true story", far as I know.

That realization - that I was too poor to win free stuff on a game show - was a sobering realization indeed when I was a young adult.

Well, it's certainly the funniest phrase I've read on the Internet this evening…

"The goofy-looking rock monster" looks goofy in the comics. Doomsday is a crappy character with an even crappier design, and my heart sank - sank even further, I should say - when I saw him (it?) in the latest BVS preview.

A prequel maybe. A sequel would be pretty sad - hard to imagine things went well for him after after his loss and subsequent meltdown.

My thoughts exactly. And feeling sheepish about my first thought, upon hearing of a proposed Fargo TV series ("Why the hell would someone do that? The movie was perfect…!").

I was initially surprised by Peggy still being alive and in relatively good shape when Ed got home, but it didn't trouble me - Dodd being Dodd, it's very possible told Peggy "I'm gonna wait till your husband gets home, and kill him right in front of you. Then I'm gonna kill you…slow".

But I don't see Hanzee being played for comedy at all, while RTC's character was played for at least some laughs over how outrageously badass he was.

I don't think you stay on the movie scene as long as they did without there being a "purposeful parallel" there.

That's the only scene that's really stayed with me (Though if you count the aftermath of the fight as a separate scene - with some great acting from Kong/Serkis - that's fun too).

It started out funny, because it was unexpected - certainly by Betsy - then became touching. A great scene that "stuck the landing"…and then some.