Gus McCrae

I assumed it was a euphemism for masturbation…though wondered why one's penis would be black-and-white.

Count me among the surprised folks that didn't know the first one did well enough for a sequel..

I know it's a cliche, but I guess it still works for me, since I was left wanting to know if, indeed, that was all they had.

Are clones actually "different people"? Let the "nature vs. nurture" debate begin…

"Recanted" getting her heart broken? Haven't watched the episode yet, but that doesn't seem right…

Did a taped audition for this, as a cranky old mentor to the lead. It didn't read well at all (I was not cast) - curious whether the role made it onto the show, but not curious enough to actually watch.

Soon as I saw Mohinder in the new Heroes promo, I thought, "Nope!".

"When you grow up, your heart dies" might be melodramatic, but I don't think it's overly so- It seems a perfect thing for that character to say. And when I first saw the movie, about five years out of high school, the line hit me like a ton of bricks (My inner landscape at that point was nothing if not "melodramatic").

Yes there is. It's an enjoyable enough show, but you don't have to feel like you're missing out because you haven't seen it (I started watching it because I thought Missy Peregrym was cute - and I remembered her from Reaper - and I continued watching it because I continued to think MIssy Peregrym was cute).

I'm glad you have "smirking" in your name, so I know you're being sarcastic.

I recently listened to the Winkler episode of WTF, and was quite charmed. Seems like a good guy.

I don't really feel I can judge you harshly until you tell me who you DO find funny. So…who do you find funny?

There was something about his "cry AFTER the interview" line that I really enjoyed - It was ice-cold, well-delivered, but also functioned as succinct professional advice.

That's very interesting - I totally remember imitating those fights and stunts in slow motion, never imagining the show creators were protecting me from myself…

For me, the question isn't "Why did he leave?", but "Why did he sign on in the first place?".

Maybe the writers didn't "get" that, or maybe Winkler could water ski, but not surf. But in any case, you are correct.

Thanks for your fine work tonight, Prom King!

If I die in my apartment, my cat is welcome to me - If it keeps him alive till he can be rescued, why not?

And the fact that they danced around it forever made it even more painful…

Yeah, that seems like a fair distinction - Some revealed "plot points" might make the movie a little less involving then if you were discovering them for yourself in the theater, but they don't necessarily "spoil" the whole movie, unlike revealing the killer in a murder mystery or what-have-you.