Gus McCrae

Seriously, if you haven't seen the episode that sells you on the show yet, you're not going to, so what's the point of telling the people who enjoy it "I don't get it?". If you're sensing some frustration, it's because you're coming off kind of "troll-ish" here.

I'm quite sure it does not.

I have pointed to that bit countless times as an example of how to have fun with a comic-book character's mythology without making fun of the character.

Very much agree. It also has one of my favorite exchanges in movies:

Nothing at all - They just wanted to appeal to the red-lingerie demographic as well.

Peanuts was my sensibility before I knew what my "sensibility" was. And I discovered the little mass-market collections of the strip pretty early on in my life as a reader, so I always list Schulz and Peanuts as a "formative influence" on my sense-of-humor.


Where do they get "Unbroken", when the end credits say he dealt with years of severe PTSD afterward? Cause that sounds pretty "broken" to me.

Probably not…but I would watch every one of those movies. In order.

A very astute observation.

Watched The Wire a few months ago, and am currently midway through season five of OZ, shows I missed "back in the day" because I was too poor for HBO (Loved The Wire almost without reservation - though agree with critical opinion that the newsroom stuff in the last season was relatively weak - but am finding OZ a

That's an unpopular opinion? I assumed you and me were in the majority this time…

I would say watch Boogie Nights, and if you don't like that, you've given him a good shot and he's just not your thing.

Here's my crack at it:

Seeing this movie "in bits and pieces" seems pretty appropriate…

Made you change your mind…in which direction?

I think you thinking A.A.'s review is right on the money is right on the money (Saw a SAG screening of the film earlier this evening).

This is true.

You should probably save sentiments like that for your next court-ordered therapy session…

But isn't that kinda of what Murray does?