Gus McCrae

…and I, for one, missed the whistle. Which of the guys does that, by the by?

Speaking of "that ubiquitous Pharrel Williams song", why would you be "Happy" if you felt "Like a room without a roof"? You're letting the heat out and the rain in - It seems like a failed existence to me.

Yeah, that really jumped out at me too…

I really LIKE Ray Ramano's character…I just wish they had him bouncing off the other Bravermans more, and not just shunted-off to these separate plot lines no one cares about (It seems, in terms of using his character well, they may have peaked in pairing him with Max, who I really have a tough time with, most of the

I've never even HAD a Dad, and somehow I related to that scene in PT (Agree with the reviewer that the Braverman storylines are working really well so far this season).

I'm glad to hear Comic Book Men was spared - I like that show (In an alternate universe, I could see myself being one of those guys. Probably Bryan).

I liked the striptease at the end, because I don't think I've ever seen a guy stripping for his partner played as anything other than awkward and goofy (Instead of fun and sexy). Mindy rushing to get her glasses on was a great touch.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Fairly or not, it left me feeling I was "not in good hands" with this particular reviewer.

Watching this, I was more disturbed by the wet sound fx than the gore…

You were definitely not the only one who experienced Dark Knight Returns -related disappointment with Burton's "Batman", particularly since a lot of promotion at the time played up DKR as "inspiration" for the "darker tone" of the movie, which I didn't see at all.

Was thinking, as I read the article, how he's the only actor who's gotten the Batman voice right…

Good point…but I still think it works, because we haven't seen her "break down" about what's happened. She's under a massive amount of pressure, and I bought that she might "lose it" to find out that, after what she's been through, the guy she KNOWS is responsible for the crime is walking, and an innocent man's in

I don't know…how would YOU respond to being in that situation? With gentle good humor?

…because she was "putting on a brave face" for her Dad, and for Gus.

But she hadn't shot anyone - or been shot - before.

This. I saw them as "closing ranks" against Boyd, not as condoning Raylan's (possible) illegal act. I don't think the accusation is going to go unaddressed.

He's been doing that material for a long time…and I'm pretty sure Carlin mined that vein of comedy before either of them.

When tv writers want to depict the pathetically lonely life of a character who's single, they often show them making a nice meal for themselves, then eating at a table (Often in an actual kitchen or dining area). We're supposed to feel bad for them, but it's never made sense to me, because, 1) Single people have to

For a second I mistook him for Tom Bergeron, and thought, "Well, THAT'S a weird bit of casting…".

Just THINKIN' about the hand-holding's makin' me a mite weepy…