
Yeah but they’re hoping by canceling it they can keep it from being a 100% loss. Kill 90% of the crabs, they might come back if you leave them alone. Kill all of them, you’ll need a man that looks like Col Sanders with an amber encased mosquito.

If 90% of the crab are gone, most of those boats are going broke whether they cancel the season or not.

Andrew this is a really bad opinion.

Umm. Not blowing my eyeballs out when using my phone at night is by FAR the most valuable reason. And barely even mentioned here. It’s the most practical application by far, and absolutely legit. Must we shit on everything?

You might say they’re....

Afte throwing a Galaxy Note 7 off of a building......

Frank gave us The Endless Farm.

Sorry about that. I’m not fully awake I admit. I hope it’s a mistake with “the NTSB reported that there were only 16 reported fatalities attributed to hot air balloons from 2002 to 2012."

No, you don’t understand. Proofreading is NOT a job requirement when working for Gawker Media.

I’m not sure how you can read my comment as attacking employees, but you’re right that I have never had to work for tips. The poorly compensated jobs I had as a young adult were not deemed tip-worthy, because we have chosen to draw some incredibly arbitrary lines:

Agreed 100%. I worked for tips and give 20% for all bar and restaurant tabs, but pretty much everyone else get my best Mr. Pink impression.

Not having to tip is one of the best things about using Uber. Glad to see the company recognizes that.

Dynamic Jowls is the name I propose for modern design.

“self-defense fears of white people”
Really? EVERYONE has the right to defend themselves. This is just racist BS right here. Additionally this isn’t a tool “to take the law into their own hands.” It’s the criminal who has done that. Quit victim blaming!

Teenaged Mutant Ninja Doomsday

It is kind of confusing so I just turn all of that other shit off (and never signed up for Apple Music).

The white balls were 10 cents more on Amazon.

Why are the balls black, instead of white?

That reference just made my day! Now I want to go home and play it.