
I actually downgraded my iTunes to 12.1 (since my iOS devices are still on 8.4 for jailbreak sake) and I don’t really have to deal with any of this. I bought iTunes Match last December which I regret. I still have yet to try Apple Music and probably never will.

I’m really not asking that much to manually manage my

What is up with that 666 on the ship at 3:42???

bluetooth receiver coming up $20

bluetooth receiver coming up $20

Thanks dad

this is a joke..............right???


Just because it uses battery to re-load the app after closing it doesn't mean the battery drain outweighs the battery drain of just never closing the apps.

I already overclocked my jailbroken iPhone on 7.0.6 by changing a .plist to have my phone run as though it is always charging. Enabling this makes your phone run at its maximum potential thinking that it doesn't need to conserve battery since it is currently plugged in (which it is not). ALL BATTERIES MUST DIE.