
BAE 😍😘💞😛😏🌺

We are all going to die

Because LifeProof cases exist and I take 45 minute showers and can’t be away from my phone that long because I’m a FUCKING ADDICT. Is that what you wanted to hear Gizmodo? Great, you got what you wanted and now I’m alone again, writing this stupid comment on your stupid article feeling vulnerable from the only place I


The more sleep you get, the more money you'll make.

Probably a smartphone app honestly.

ܝܘܚܢܢ ܒܝܬ ܐܦܪܝܡ

bluetooth receiver coming up $20

bluetooth receiver coming up $20

Thanks dad

Someone has hacked his Twitter account. Its definitely not him.

I'm referring to him being an actor and director of The Interview, which they are trying to get into the hands of North Koreans to see how the rest of the world portrays their country.

I'm not entirely sure if this is the same man from the documentary THE SECRET STATE OF NORTH KOREA but it is a very eye-opening film. Its on Netflix right now. This is kind of embarrassing but I'm a 21 year old American college student with Internet access and I had absolutely no idea about any of this until my

Can you do an article on Hunter Moore? He is the founder of Is Anyone Up, this dude is just some shitty knock-off, I can't believe you're even writing an article about it. Hunter Moore has not tweeted in over a year and no one is 100% positive on what has happened.

Why didn't they implement a “K” for thousand and an “M” for million? This thing would never top out then.

4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42 =

Okay can anyone clarify why SONY just gives into these "hackers"? Like what does the hacking have to do with The Interview? Everyone knew it was about killing Kim Jong Un prior to this whole SONY hack.

I'll take 2!

Hahaha I was watching that and I was like what the hell. Maybe it used to signal where they need to land it? I'm not entirely sure.

this is a joke..............right???