Guess that would make Pelinka the Jud Buechler of fucking up the Lakers.
Guess that would make Pelinka the Jud Buechler of fucking up the Lakers.
Magic Johnson really is the Michael Jordan of fucking up the Lakers.
I mean it’d be a little easier if we weren’t running the textbook definition of concentration camps, having our President use old KKK slogans while inject himself into the sporting world on a regular basis. I would love to go back to the times where I could go into a sports bubble and ignore other aspects, but that…
I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe. My conditioning, my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s tonight. Tonight was a blessing and a lesson.”
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
But most of his ability to make defenders miss was based on the fact that he was so blurry and hard to focus on. He wouldn’t have managed half the career yards if he was competing against today’s defenses in 4K Ultra High Definition.
By winning the US open?
Dershowitz has been shitting his pants about this for months thanks to the tireless investigative work that the Miami Herald has been doing on this case. He even wrote an open letter to the Pulitzer Committee saying the entire affair was a bunch of horseshit and the news team didn’t even deserve to be nominated, let…
“I kept my underwear on during the massage. I don’t like massages particularly.”
Here’s your star for nearly making me spit out my Malbec. Now fuck off.
I’ve never seen anything blown up so fast in Oklahoma City.
-Mayor David Holt
No, it’s not. That is literally not open borders. That is like saying making speeding a civil offense is like having no speed limits. It is not.
You are not an intelligent person and no one cares that you are afraid of brown people.
No one wants open borders. It has never once been mentioned by a Democrat. Also what does "free everything" even mean?
America doesn’t have a far left movement.
Look, rag on Skip all you want but it’s his duty to stay abreast of the situation in Houston. Wouldn’t tit be inappropriate if he weren’t staying in the loop with titter rumors? He can’t just puff his chest out and argue with Shannon without doing his diligence.
I thought ESPN just had a big thing about how they don’t want “politics” on their channel anymore?
I said to my wife when the bells started ringing, “What none of these idiots realize is that dragons hate bells.”
So sad to be right. :(