
I’m totally cool lying to a foreign government, especially a corrupt one. His allegiance is to the stars and bars, not crooked ass Brazil.

More or less high than you were 4 minutes ago?

In his mind, he has not done anything wrong because in his mind, football is more important than the “alleged” sexual assault and rape of non-football players. In fact, those girls should be “putting out” so that football players “can let off some steam.” Those kids are under a lot of pressure, ya know.

I get the general policy. As a professional athlete, nothing motivates me and boosts my self esteem more than having people forced to cheer for me. Sincere applause just doesn’t cut it. It’s hard to explain to non-professional athletes.

Yeah but you’d think maybe they’d get exempted from the policy? Seems like they weren’t, if I read it right. Stupid policy, as you say, and even stupider enforcement of said policy.

Hey, KU football, Gale Sayers isn’t walking thru that door. Nor is Mark Mangino, though for another reason.

There’s zero evidence Hillary took that money for herself, in fact there zero evidence aside from Republicans making accusations that Hillary enriched herself, or let donations to a charity sway her decisions. Republican tactics is keep throwing out accusations and see what sticks and go with it.

Those Democrats are shaking all right.

Snyder is the mastermind, only a true omniscient and clairvoyant genius like him could pull something like this off

There’s no more proof that these donations are kickbacks than there is when the super-wealthy make campaign contributions and get cushy political appointments or get favorable legislation passed, which happens literally all the time with all politicians.

Well, it’s finally come to this, the walking meme now has finally given up on talking altogether and will begin communicating in meme form.

Carol was introduced as the love interest of the then-actual Captain Marvel, a Kree warrior in disguise on Earth called Mar-Vell

Kitchenette dying was the saddest thing. And I say that as a white middle-aged motorcycle enthusiast who cooks like twice a year.

Oh yeah, he mad. Real mad.

In all fairness, the midwest is Satan’s humid shitter in the summer and a frozen hellscape in the winter.

About 10 years ago I lived with a sketchy roommate. Shithole apartment, but this guy drove a new Infinity and his first name and last name were the same name. And a quick description of what he did made me think he was into some pretty illegal shit. “I help college aged Bulgarians get into the country…and I do their

Dick Fiddler, are you mad? You seem mad.

I’d prefer not to think of the genesis of your repetitive motion elbow issues, to be honest.

Man named Dick Fiddler: I demand you respect where I came from.

Let’s all hope this is the beginning of a long and bitter rivalry between the city of Montreal and the entire state of Kansas.