
Right, because historically, corporate America likeability has always proved accurate enough! This is what I keep sayin’!

Do we not like him? I like him.

+1 covalent bond

+1 good locker room guy

“Never ever, ever use a rubber.”

It’s part of the dealer’s job to protect the integrity of the manufacturer.

Is this what they mean when they say that on field chemistry is so important in the NFL?

Can we hire this grounds crew for the Pro Bowl?

But it’s also illegal, if you sell your new Mercedes to an overseas buyer you can be charged with several crimes.

I am convinced that if Billy Joel had simply embraced the fact that he is the most desperately lonely man who has ever lived, instead of trying to be an ‘80's cool guy, he would be far, far more critically appreciated today.

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

Of course she is. They all do.

Somehow I suspect Lily isn’t familiar with Billy Joel’s earlier works.

How can you type with your old Livestrong bracelet cutting circulation off to your hand?

Not a single swimmer or a single track & field athlete who wins a medal in Rio will have done so without having doped in some way. It is physically impossible.

Agreed. “Lifting weights more” doesn’t lead to smashing a world record like you’re from East Germany.

Does any athlete in this day and age really get that much faster without doping?

Mr Eastwood can’t follow his own advice: A man’s gotta know his limitations.

Obvious comment is obvious.