
Your story is wonderful, and I hope you enjoy dismissing the trolls.

And here I was thinking I couldn’t love Boseman as Black Panther any more than I already do.

A lion getting a CAT scan. Way to bury the lede.

I’m black and hate Stephen A. Sorry to burst your stereotype.

You got the one person acting aggressive, screaming and the other guy shocked by his behavior and clearly regretting his decision to engage at all... is this whatever show that is or my marriage?!?!

Stephen A.: “I’m just saying, maybe Skip left because the Warriors paid him off!”

Darren Sharper is a lot less dangerous in 2-D.

Oh come on, no it’s not.

What? Are you reading a comment that ends with “Good on these police”, in a story about police restraint, and still getting angry about some perceived slight to the police? I genuinely don’t understand what you’re saying.

So he did everything ‘wrong’, but the police DIDN’T execute him? Hmmmm...maybe if more encounters were leavened with police restraint, like this one, citizens wouldn't fear lethal consequences to what should be a routine interaction. Good on these police.

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.

I thought it looked cool but wondered why they didn’t have the Hulk wearing it?? Then I remembered that the Hulk is not real and I am not smart.

Given that Tom Perez is under investigation, and my personal choice, Julian Castro, was recently accused of violating the Hatch Act, who did that leave her with? Elizabeth Warren? We need her in the Senate, and even if we didn’t, her replacement would be chosen by a Republican. Ditto Corey Booker.

You should see what his old friend, Geno Neckbeard, does now.

That’s the thing about fedoras. They almost always end up looking fucking ridiculous.

Seriously? Larry Fedora? Did Mike Vape take a job elsewhere?