
This was Cruz’s opening salvo for his 2020 run.

Pffftt. Unless you prove that the odds are far off-base. It’s probably safer to side with the person that actually showed their own work.

[deleting this because, upon rereading it, it struck me as both inadvertently patronizing and kind of a bummer. i have always liked your posts and you seem smart and nice and i hope you enjoy the next season of game of thrones! :) ]

I have blackout curtains that are never open and the strongest light in my house that isn’t my monitor is a 12 watt appliance bulb inside a red silk tea lantern. Unless I’m looking for something or my mother is in town I never turn on the big lights.

Between watching the disgusting hate and fear mongering of the RNC and reading the horrifying racist tweets that forced Leslie Jones off Twitter, I can’t wait until about four months from now, when Trump is out of the spotlight and all the repulsive followers he’s incited are driven back into the dark corners of the

My personal favorite was Mitch McConnell: “Hillary has changed her positions so many times it’s impossible to tell where conviction ends and ambition begins.”

If a bunch of Democrats did this to a conservative protester, the GOP would lose its shit screaming (for months) about disrespecting the flag. But for some reason these shitbrains have no problem looping the flag around people like some kind of dogcatcher’s pole.

I could be having a perfectly lovely day and it takes about 2 minutes in a terror loop thought cycle about the RNC and everyone participating in it and I want to just eat some anxiety meds, get under a blanket and call it a day.

Aww who's a good dog? That dog is!

Considering Chris Christie barely stopped short of telling those convention goers to execute Hillary Clinton, to a roaring applause, that Code Pink lady is lucky to be alive.

That’s more like an accurate portrayal of me during daylight hours.


Nothing is original, everything has been said before, whatever you think has been thought by someone, you are someone else’s thoughts.......there is NO plagiarism!!!!!

Repubs gettin’ existential on yo’ ass!!!

Thoreau/Trump 20__ !!!!

Twightlight Sparkle is an Alicorn. I regret that I know more about My Little Pony than I do about the Kardashians or Taylor Swift.

So Michelle Obama went into the future to plagiarize a talking horse? I mean, she seems very capable so I wouldn’t say it’s beyond her abilities, but it doesn’t sound like the FLOTUS I know.

Well, yeah, technically he is a Khan... :)

It’s your choice to ruin it for yourself. There is no mention of what the spoiler is in the headline or in the default photo for the article. Only until you *click the dang video* and *read what the twist is after said video* does one “ruin it for themselves.”

Say it with me now:

They put it under spoilers. If you watch it that's on you.

Is he Khan, too? Is everybody Khan?