They’re compensated well because of their abilities and also that the pool of people with those abilities is so small. Taking abuse is not part of the job.
They’re compensated well because of their abilities and also that the pool of people with those abilities is so small. Taking abuse is not part of the job.
Absolutely. You’re welcome to it.
Trolling with training wheels.
If I were from South Carolina, I’d be very ashamed. Now what’s this about a flag? (one of The Onion’s many masterpieces)
It’s often the case that gibberish isn’t wisdom.
What’s that term for people whose feelings get hurt when they feel incovenienced? Snow something?
Whoa, you are sad.
You’re just so above it all. I bet you tell people you’re a libertarian.
Your comment makes me want to watch Ghostbusters again.
As a snowflake, I’d like to feel sorry for you, but I don’t.
I’m sorry. I have an older laptop that’s giving up the ghost.
I can’t see any emoji on my computer.
Russian collaborator.
This has to be a joke because that is demonstrably untrue.
You Russian collaborator.
None of what you say here is true.
You have a bad case of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, and you’re also an asshole for wanting Trump as president.
This is a deadspin thread, not reddit or 4chan.
You shouldn’t have pride in your university when that university enabled child rape for decades, you sad, sick sack of shit.
Pro child rape motherfucker.