
pinhead gamergater.

Jane Erred. I should’ve paid closer attention in my 19th century British Literature class.

The internet makes it difficult to claim things without people being instantly suspicious. It’s frustrating that people sometimes don’t believe that I’m Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes.

Exactly what did you used to expect from the Friday the 13th film series?

Why are people on the internet so mean?

Thank you for this article.

You’re a troll and a shithead.

This clip is from 1971. In the early-to-mid seventies, Muhammad Ali renounced the beliefs of the Nation of Islam to become a follower of Sunni Islam, which does NOT preach or practice racial separatism. It is intellectually dishonest to include a clip of Ali speaking about beliefs that he held for less than 10 years

Of course you’re right, but I hope not.

Thank you. I have never met a librarian named Brock.

Right. Yeah okay. Sure you do. Ha ha ha. Troll.

Fuck you.

Why don’t you provide links showing when and how your intrepid reporting brought down the “road agents” and the “town manager”? Indeed it’s surprising (no it’s not) that you haven’t already done so.

You google it, you shithead. It’s a highway robber, clown.

A road agent is another name for a highwayman. WTF are you talking about? Or rather what movie are you pretending is your real life?

You’re also supposedly a reporter who puts people in jail. You’re a lazy troll who can’t even keep his bullshit straight.

So Jim Crow of this jerk to call him Cassius Clay.

I don’t believe any of your bullshit about being a reporter and yada yada. You’re just a troll who reads escapist literature.

Fuck you.

You realize that people like you make it harder for everyone else.