
This is not true. While allegations exist that Bill Clinton assaulted women,you can’t honestlt state them as being fact.

If you really prefer Trump to Clinton—Trump having control over nuclear weapons—then you’re just, heck,I don’t even know. Don’t like Hillary. Fine. That’s a large group. But letting your dislike of Hillary cause you to support Trump becoming the most powerful person in the world, geez.

So, in terms of fairness, was it fair to have such vigorous prosecution for someone who lied under oath about getting a blowjob?

Is it possible that video games aren’t this important? Asking for a friend.

I’m tempted to say these people, obsessive gamerchildren, are a plague upon society, and they are. But I’m starting to think that they’re very few in number, just insanely active in creating various internet identities, that mostly they’re just pissheads.

Not true. FERPA is limited to the disclosure of grades and academic records. FERPA doesn’t say a college must protect the names of people covered up sexual assaults.

You do not help the Palestinian cause by using such odious language as “that Holocaust victim card.” In fact, you harm Palestinians by allowing their supporters to be dismissed as Holocaust-denying trolls. I wonder if you mention Palestinians only when you have the opportunity to criticize Jews.

No. In fact hell no. Deporting 11 million people would necessitate the construction of an infrastructure similar to the unholy infrastructure the Nazis used to deport Jews. Internal shock troops, camps, transportation, processing, etc., all these would exist on a national scale. It’s horrifying.

Listening to Alex Jones isn’t healthy.

WTF, jackass? You’re reading deadspin and don’t realize that the big touenaments in golf are called “majors.” Then again, Benghazi is probably your response to most things.

+1 for men going their own way.

you do realize the problems with using the gamergate phrase “SJW”?

Excellent article!

What does the “G” in gamergater stand for?

Oh yeah, and I’m sure you’re wealthy, drive expensive cars, date supermodels and the usual bullshit that all the sad right wing babies say when they’re trolling.

Thank you. We know who you are.

The pathetic rejoinder of someone who knows that their idol doesn’t have feet of clay but feet of dysentery.

You really enjoyed “A Few Good Men.”

She was angry after being groped. . .you deceitful prick.

Hey asshole, the person just referenced their extremely serious health condition, and you can’t even muster enough deceny to avoid calling them “dumbfuck.” Yet, you’re somehow surprised at the allegation that Trump supporters have less compassion while, incidentally, proving it.