
“She was fucking around too much,” I just learned more about you.

“mingle with every power broker in town,” I just learned a lot about you and what’s wrong in Knoxville.

Yes, this. So much this.

It’s wrong to have black aliens. This is your thing. Really.

another Ayn Rand fan who likes video games.

So, if I understand your point, say, in high school when the girl will only go so far, and far can be relative, it’s okay to force her.

ironic apostrophe use?

Thanks for making this point.

Referencing the star count as evidence is very sad kinja.

+1 especially for pissing off the gun fetishists and Sandy Hook truthers.

“in no way represents our company’s perspective.” ESPN doesn’t want to be associated with the free speech of an idiot. They get to do that. While the government can’t prevent Schilling’s tweet, private companies can decide to disassociate from speech with which they disagree. Is that so hard to understand?

One of the saddest moments on any nature documentary is when the gazelle can finally rest in one of the rare available chairs on the Serengeti and then some lion pushes him over.

+1 from a Tell-Tale Bleeding Heart.

Increasingly, the people complaining about PC this or that are displaying frustration at being accountable in any way for their rude behavior.

And Stephen A Smith agreed with Saban, and First Take actually debated whether it was acceptable to write books about other people.

He has a master’s degree . . . in philosophy.”

I wish more stars were awarded to the original articles by Deadspin writers, and yes I’m shamelessly sucking up in hopes of a parole from grey limbo.

great burner name.

The argument that “rough men do rough things when playing a rough sport,” well, this argument is made by assholes and also reveals them.

Can I demand that the duck be tested for PEDs?