
I’m glad you care so much about ethics in video game journalism.

Cowherd is an elitist and a know-it-all, and his job is to give opinions on the air, a deadly combination. Plus, he simply worships anyone who’s successful, i.e. rich. I hope he learns from this experience.

Do you really think you’re making any point whatsoever by calling the democratic party the “democrat party?” I could call the republican party the “republic party,” but that’d just be infantile and devoid of any meaningful critique of the republican party.

You put the sub in sub-moronic. This comment is so stupid it deserves stars for achievement in stupidity beyond the call of duty.

If I were a fan of NASCAR Truck racing, I’d feel very ashamed. Now what’s this about Trump stickers?

The Dominican Republic has a poor public education system. So what. This still doesn’t mean that their baseball players are stupid. It doesn’t mean that baseball is an “easy” game to master mentally because even people from the Dominican Republic can excel at baseball. The educational ranking of the Dominican Republic

Democratic party, you prick.

Sad that anyone can think Smith is actually making a point. This comparison is about as complex as suggesting that opponents of the death penalty are hypocritical for not protesting whenever anyone fatally overdoses or is electrocuted.

always good to hear from peope who care passionately about ethics in video game journalism.

I thought Myrtle Beach was the Redneck Riviera.

Dude, you don’t just have issues, you got subscriptions.

I’m tempted to give Knoblauch credit for associating the confederate flag with fake machismo, but his stupidity makes this difficult.

Spoiler-anxiety can be quite neurotic.

Thanks for the compassion.

Bob Costas’ answer to everything: “I’m going to take care of it the same way I would have taken care of it if it was 1986.”

you got a long way to go before you reach Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Yes, I’m like so desperate for another story on who’s opting out during NBA free agency.

Thanks for writing an unpretentious review/update. So many reviewers of True Detective season 2 slam the show for its pretentiousness while the reviews themselves are extremely pretentious.

Jones hangs out with Abe Vigoda.

+1, big time.