This seems like an odd route to take to try and raise the money to finish building the Olympic venues.
It doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t have a 2nd person look at that play before moving on. I can’t believe they didn’t double Czech.
You never mentioned whether she’d had the fish too!
Little known exception in PA is that if the owner finds you and you’ve already disposed the item, you’re obliged to give him 10 pounds of scrapple.
For those who need to scratch the itch, 4:00:
I agree and voted for this. However I would not that you can’t transfer yours points to ANY airline or hotel, only the partners.
I agree and voted for this. However I would not that you can’t transfer yours points to ANY airline or hotel, only…
Chase doesn’t transfer to Delta, JetBlue, Starwood, etc. Your comment about transferring to any airline, hotel, rental car rewards account is inaccurate.
Chase doesn’t transfer to Delta, JetBlue, Starwood, etc. Your comment about transferring to any airline, hotel,…
I’m surprised the winner wasn’t Teamy McTeamface.
I believe the letters “F-A-T-A-L-I-T-Y” will appear over you and the victim in some sort of dripping blood font.
I mean, how hard could it have been to guess some of these usernames and passwords anyway? Just follow the formula:
Do not Google “Bears in bathtubs” at work unless you work somewhere very progressive and/or somewhere in the midst of a bankruptcy.
As a Minnesotan (which is pretty much Canada anyway), and a die hard hockey fan, this hurts a lot. The Gordie Howe Hat Trick is the greatest feat in sports, and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. I will then need to somehow score a goal, and get an assist, but dammit I’ll do it anyway.
I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case.
John Elway just placed a large order for fireworks to be delivered to Von's house
“Well, you can’t just lock up all of them. It would be too obvious.” - Ferguson Police Department
Whenever your friends suggest an activity that requires a lot of money being spent, suggest something else. If they want to go to a night club, suggest a movie night at home. If they want to go to a ball game, suggest a nice nature hike instead. If they want to go on a trip abroad, suggest spending a long weekend in…
I get a call at the office from my insurance company one day telling me that they’ve recovered my stolen car. I tell them they must be mistaken because I didn’t report a car stolen - then they begin to verify my information and it just starts crushing me as I realize it’s actually my car that was stolen the night…
Sorry to say there’s simply not enough time left for C3 and C4 photosynthesis for a high probability of another species becoming sentient on this ball of rock. We’re basically it. It took 4.5 billion years of dice rolls to get here..The Earth doesn’t have that kind of time left before the Sun becomes a real problem.