
Sorry to say there’s simply not enough time left for C3 and C4 photosynthesis for a high probability of another species becoming sentient on this ball of rock. We’re basically it. It took 4.5 billion years of dice rolls to get here..The Earth doesn’t have that kind of time left before the Sun becomes a real problem.

The next intellegent species will use our fossils as fuel.

It’s a bottlenose dolphin waving

I sure hope if you own a fleet, please don’t put gas in your diesel trucks. They won’t like you, and you won’t have to worry about the self-driving part because they won’t go anywhere.

And just think, once Amazon gets it drone delivery system up and running in earnest, you can literally shoot down free shit from the air.

Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

Yeah but I like the idea of Thornton and Marleau never winning anything. It’s comfortable.

He needs pay raise. That way his wife can afford a better potato to record her videos with.

She sure has a lot of stupid questions for a kid named Sharp.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

That’s not the GSP. Maybe the Delaware Water Gap. Could be going to Pocono.


ISP uses Forwarding Error.

Sounds like Steve had written a code which sent a duplicate of the email to his account. Even incredibly smart, wise-in-all-ways, ahead-of-the-crowd people who work in IT sometimes forget that when you tell a computer “all” of anything, that’s what you get.

The Courtnalls owned a restaurant on, what was it.. Cambie Street, I think. I badgered by parents to take me there. They undercooked my hamburger so bad it was still red in the middle. I remember those guys.

Guy Carbonneau

Ok good job NASA, you get a gold star. It’s like reporting that a speeding car is further from you than it was yesterday. Now tell me the rate of increase, are we looking at an unstable runaway system or is it starting to self correct? If it’s the first, I’m grabbing my towel, if it’s the second, someone fetch me my