Hey, the game is not for you. And that’s okay. Nobody says you have to like it. If you look at a tape of one of the most incredible saves a goalie will ever make and say ‘This is everything wrong with hockey’ then the game is not for you. May I suggest golf? It has a much slower pace and it’s pretty easy to tell…
In college, I could try to do that, and no matter what, it would mean something, but everyone just wanted something from me. Give me that, Jameis, gimme, gimme, gimme.
I’m not a pilot either. However, it appears as if the real culprit of the hard impact is gravity. If the earth had less mass the impact wouldn’t have been as severe.
Looks like Komarov found the one cheap shot Irish Americans don’t like.
The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.
watch trading places. Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy have a much better take on OJ.
The “take away the helmets and pads” argument makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY because it shows a fundamental ignorance of the history of the game itself. Do you know WHY they introduced helmets? Because people were DYING on the field. Literal death! Right there! This idea that taking helmets away will somehow magically make…
It would be a tapestry of umbilical contortions to lose Emmitt.
Want some more space for your documents? Of course you do. Well, you can grab 2GB of extra capacity on Google Drive…
Drywallers wet dream
Rugby does this, the “penalty try,” and it really helps clean up play near the try line.
At -9, the Flames must be worried about his defense to.
Due to his ability to distract Oregon State shooters, Michael Phelps has been recruited by the FBI to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Thankfully Wideman recieved treatment for a concussion before returning to the ice, as per NHL protocol. Of course that protocol is to pop 2 Percocets and wash them down with a can of LaBatts, but still.
Root Beer was invented on the wagon trail from Independence, MO to Oregon City, OR in the 1820's. That’s where the name came from. It was ‘the beer of the route.’ Lacking medicine and actual beer, settlers invented a refreshing elixir that would cure everything from broken bones to H1N1. You may be surprised to learn…
If there’s one thing about this Super Bowl to look forward to, it’s that Cam Newton and Von Miller will be on the same field.
Stevie Wonder isn’t blind
Poor little guy. I bet he was exhausted.
For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.