
Three and a half billion light years away in the Virgo constellation, two supermassive black holes are on the verge of smacking into one another smacked into each other three and a half billions years ago. In 100,000 years later, their cosmic collision will send sent ripples across the fabric of spacetime.

Belichick first explained away the headset malfunctions by calling it a “pretty common” glitch,

I deal with the God damn customers so the engineers don’t have to.

If we did “mass shooter” drills in elementary schools at the rate we did fire drills, I can guarantee you we’d have better gun control laws because the apathetic parents who pick their kid up and get “We pretended there was a crazy man in our school shooting everyone today” might actually start thinking about how it

As a very outspoken concealed-carry advocate who is 99% sure this article will have an argument about guns in the comments, let me just be the first to say I completely agree that running away is the right thing to do. I don’t carry a gun in my home state, because apparently single women living alone who’ve been

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Well then. As the name of the festival suggests...

No, because the court would have told them to wait until the appeals process had been exhausted before they could file suit.

Out of habit, the NRA filed an amicus brief on behalf of the NFL when they heard “Clinton” & “Brady” in the same sentence.

“I’m so sick of this fu——- bu——— you c—-.”

I grew up across the road from Miramar in the 80s. All the neighborhood kids would come over to my house and we’d climb on the roof to watch the practices and shows. One of my best memories is during a practice around 1984. We had #5 fly over our house at what felt like 20-feet(probably more like 100-feet) off the

I would hazard a guess and say the bugginess of that car has little to do with the mileage and much to do with it being an '02 Sunfire.

This was much more fun than the time Adrian Peterson and his sports baby did the whip.


Thank you for the reply, but I think the OP means filtering by what is truly host-to-host private land vs. already accessible public parks, not the method of booking you mention in the reply.

So I totally get that this is new so I won’t be too critical, but is there no way to filter by private land? All I can get to show up in Texas are State Parks (blech no booze and no picking up fallen wood). This sounds like a great idea just want to make sure it’s because of few sign ups and not user error.

Then buy or select a seat where someone reclining won’t crush your knees. It’s very simple. If you know that someone reclining will ruin your flight, book a bulkhead, exit row, premium economy, or first class seat. It’s not the fault of the person in front of you that you’ve booked a seat that you are uncomfortable

There's a very simple reason why technology has not led to more leisure time: humans are highly competitive creatures. Give us better tools, and rather than use those to get the same amount of work done in less time, we will instead use them to work harder and get ahead of our competition. I suspect it will always be