
"1-2-3-4-5-6? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard in my life! That's the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!"

I would love to go back in time and put a composite in the hands of Bobby Hull. I guess I'd first kill baby Hitler if I harnessed the power of time travel, but Bobby Hull and a composite would be high on the list.

if it stops gawker from changing the kinja layout again, i'm all for it.

I was scanning through looking for the moral outrage from someone saying that this watch is unethical and kills people by redirecting funds that should have gone to charity.

This is what they think is possible...

Your mother likes it

Water's electrical resistance is entirely a function of dissolved minerals and salts; pure water is an insulator. The performance of this kind of heater would very from region to region depending on the composition of the water.

How It's Made is just the best.

Will it blend?

What's really amazing is he caught it even though everything spins in the opposite direction down there.

but they were still all pretty good, save for maybe the one with Samuel L. Jackson

Citizens of Atlantis you have been warned.

There is a super easy test to see if your team name is racist or not, would you ever use that word in general conversation or communication. In the Redskins case, OF COURSE NOT. Take any refernece to Native Americans or Indians (start with Daniel Snyders op-ed piece from the other day) and replace Native American with

Well written piece. But did you even watch that Tampa/Toronto video you posted? Orr goes straight in and tries to help him.

Self check out, GPS guided harvester, Zillow, Spam, E Zpass, ATM, Google, Dragon natural dictation, adobe, file managing software, Kindle, Amazon warehouse, machine automation and 3d printers.

This is ridiculous. The Milky Way doesn't have peanuts. Snickers does.

You know who else wants to know? Cubans.

Hartford Whalers AHL/NHL logo

Oh, shit. You just inceptioned me, I think.