
Your issues have nothing to do with the bailouts. You are upset about the lack of bailout for the homeless and jobless... well what do you think happens to the homeless and jobless rate in a depression when hundreds of thousands of middle class workers lose their jobs because their factories have gone out of business?

Why did a progressive bailout banks and automakers? Because they realized letting them fail, literally, no hyperbole, destroys the economy and results in a depression. Why is this so hard for the far left and far right to understand? In the abstract letting those big bad businesses and banks fail sounds great... but

I don’t get why people are upset that she has had the ambition to be president a long time. Is she somehow unique in her desire? It isn’t a position you normally just wake up one day and decide to run for (this election notwithstanding). Her ambition is no different than any past president or nominee (save for Bernie

This same thing happens whenever I have control of a playlist at a party. You want to hear Katy Perry and Billy Joel? How about some Pulk Pull Revolving Doors followed by Smashing Pumpkins’ Silverfuck instead? That will get the party going

That’s the best throw to 1st Lester has ever made

Well then... success!

Jay Cutler is such a pussy.

To be fair to Bernie supporters (of which, I am more assuredly NOT one)...

Gracias. And, no, I don’t... I’m an attorney. But if I’m not working I’m watching the NBA. I lead a pretty boring life

Oh and there are also literally only 2 main roads in and out of the city. And the roads are only 2 lanes each direction. Traffic is a breeze....

No. I don’t want to go back on a multi-year long wait list for season tickets in the future. And I still love basketball. The Bulls aren’t an organization that will go through a huge, multi-year tank mode a la the Sixers. So I will just suffer through. And I’m probably experiencing Stockholm Syndrome, but maybe next

Ya I was’t clear enough with my criticism of the front office. But they share a huge part of blame for putting together a team that not only is too old and unathletic, but doesn’t even fit with the system their prized coach wants to run

The theory (emphasis on that word since it was rarely seen this year), is that the guards push the ball past half court with 18 or 19 seconds still on the clock. Then, instead of just constantly running a pick and roll with the guard and center/forward up top or dumping it down low, there is more movement and passing,

Brief explanation- While it’s entertainment, the NBA is still a business. Thibs was employed by the front office. He alienated them, talked shit about them, and refused to listen to anyone else and only did what he wanted. Like any other business, after a while, even a top employee can only go so far with their

I mean you can’t predict the future on how good a 29th pick will be... but ya... that was a fuckup. Ironically, they were trying to do the right thing too by drafting a PG in case Rose’s knees disintegrated.

Hey now- Just because I know how to game the system. And who doesn’t want to read Jimbojoebob’s expert analysis of the Bulls’ faults? You know you do. Who knows- maybe I secretly have inside information about the current situation.

Here are Jimbojoebob’s long list of keys to success for next year... enjoy:

Maybe I am? I would have thought putting more blame on Butler over Rose would have pissed off a large contingent of commenters.


Didn’t I talk about the front office not signing/drafting the right personnel?