
What happens when my connection drops out because my router needs reset? What happens when Comcast goes down for a while (happens at least once a month here). What about when I want to play on my laptop somewhere else outside of my house, there is not always internet. What about on a plane, or really anywhere

I'm surprised nobody posted this yet, but it is always so appropriate and never gets old.

While it could be better, I wouldn't argue that 30 MBps is inadequate. I have 20 and my connection is just fine. The issue is in parts of the country where the best available is a 5MBps connection over DSL or slower cable connections of similar speeds. If you live in a major city, connections are decent, and not

I beg to differ. Streaming HD video puts a huge toll on your connection. Tack on the fact that most broadband providers in the US limit you to something like 50GB per month, and online streaming of HD becomes an issue. Online video quality could be much better if the broadband here would catch up with the rest of

The coffee can be found for much better prices than listed here. My k cup of choice is Donut Shop, which can be found in a 50 pack on Amazon for $30, which is $0.60 per cup. Sure, it is more expensive than buying my usual coffee of Dunkin Donuts (to make at home in my coffee maker). But as others have pointed out,

This sounds like someone that hasn't used internet in the rest of the civilized world recently. Internet speeds in Europe and Asia make the United States look like dial up.

They are allowed to say anything they want and even flat out lie to him in order to get him to surrender himself. Nothing illegal about that. The only thing that would be illegal is them questioning him without his lawyer present once he turns himself in, as he has certainly made it clear he wants one.

That is definitely her. Check out the original article:

This is pretty clear to me. Monster made a HUGE mistake if they actually think people pay $300+ for a pair of these because they have great sound quality. They are good, but not the best at all for the price. They are popular solely because they have become cool and trendy to wear.

I got a great price on my TV at the time from Vizio when they were relatively new on the scene. That was about 3 years ago. It has been outstanding and still works perfectly. I have been completely satisfied with it and will absolutely buy another Vizio when I need another TV.

I'm not sure, but I think I remember on Engadget seeing that this will run Visio's custom Honeycomb OS. If that is true, it is a total deal breaker. Any tablet coming out now with anything less than ICS is unacceptable. Anyone else confirm this?

With regards to Siri, voice recognition has existed for a while, in fact my Android phone has had it since 2.0 or 2.1 (not sure). However, I never use the voice recognition on my Android, because it is generally easier and faster to just type what I want to say. Siri works better and does way more than just keyboard

Doesn't work as well for iPod: "internet pod?"

I was intrigued so I tried to look it up. Best source I found (in all of 2 minutes Googling) says that the cost difference over 16GB is +$15 for 32GB and +$45 for 64GB.

You are absolutely right tbandtg. This was clearly a way Lego thought they could grab the market of little girls. That's the point. The fact that they realized girls weren't using their product and the solution they came up with was a completely uncreative appeal to gender stereotypes is the problem. Did you

But that all would've taken too much time. What's easier than just designing a package of Legos for every stereotype there is. I think Lego nurse and teacher are coming soon!

I would think the 64GB model costs them a lot more than the 16GB model. A 64GB flash memory chip is actually rather expensive, even when bought at wholesale.

Just be happy they finally added email and BBM support.

Yep. $299 for a 64GB model is a pretty sweet deal, but I'd take my $149 32GB Touchpad all day long. I still use mine every day and will soon have Android when it comes out of Alpha and moves to Beta and Ice Cream Sandwich.

You don't see how gender stereotyping impacts women's rights and sex equality? While surely not the intention of Lego (they only care about making money), reinforcing gender stereotypes with toys just steers young girls towards stereotypical female careers.