
No, she read the title just fine I'm sure. You obviously didn't read the article though. His argument is that the legos can be used to build whatever you want and thus "feminists" (notice the word choice, we use that word to make them look like bad people) shouldn't care about the sexist marketing that does nothing

My thoughts exactly. My earbuds cost $15 on a Black Friday special from Amazon. I thought I was splurging when I bought the Turtle Beach X12s for my Xbox at $60. You won't find me spending $350 on a pair of headphones any time soon.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic because of your screen name or believe in the idiot you are named from.

Your point about choice is completely off base. It is also a choice for men, but one that doesn't have any affect on their career. There is no reason that choice should hamper a woman's career but not a man's.

Your point about choice is completely off base. It is also a choice for men, but one that doesn't have any affect on their career. There is no reason that choice should hamper a woman's career but not a man's.

I don't know where you are, but I was just in Best Buy Saturday and they had about 30 or more of them sitting on a shelf.

Why aren't the Republicans trying to save this 1 trillion dollars? No instead they want to cut a few billion from education as if that will fix the deficit better somehow.

Got it. It is all just a "bug." Nothing to see here, move along.

Well, as a T-Mobile customer, I would much rather get sold to Dish than AT&T. I was a miserable AT&T(really they are Cingular with a name change) when they bought me from the old AT&T Wireless many years ago until my contract comes up. I will never be with that company again. I'll take my chances with Dish, who I

That's all fine and good if it really was a software glitch. How does he know that? How do we know that? You act like this company wouldn't have any reason to just lie and claim there was a software glitch. It should need to be reviewed by an independent gaming commission and determined what really happened.

So wish I could promote this!

How is this a good way for the state to spend money? Where are the Republicans who want to cut spending on this one?

It is legit to remind people to watch out for their friends in some way. You can't control what other fucked up people do. It's not victim blaming to suggest that you should take precautions to protect yourself and your friends however. Is it your fault if your friend gets raped, obviously not. However, does that

No, these things fly pretty high so they can't be seen and just take pictures.

I personally don't have a problem with us flying espionage missions over Iran. If this truly is not misinformation, however, we need to be smarter about it and not have any risk of losing our technology. My one question is why can't we just use satellite photos? Are they not high quality enough?

If it loses signal (because of a jam or whatever), it is programmed to fly to a designated spot (most likely near a base) and circle above. That this didn't do that is odd. Also odd to me is that if they disabled it somehow, even with a targeted EMP, wouldn't it have still crashed into the ground and had some

The shape is a part of the technology to some extent and the Chinese likely want to do a full 3d model of it. The stealth of this plane comes mostly from a combination of the shape to deflect radar and the materials used on the outside. The internals may very well be less advanced than the externals.

I guess that's what I get for not reading the linked article. Very much like Jez writers unfortunately to offer up totally misleading headlines and summaries. Thanks for pointing this out.

How was this woman not a registered Republican? Very typical Republican attitude to hate any social service until it helps them. I could care less if she supports it now. It's called empathy, people should learn it.

In schools I went to, those things are on your transcipts. My detentions/tardies/absentees are all listed on my high school transcripts.