
I don’t think she was given the best opportunity for success. It doesn’t sound like she was given enough time to get acclimated to the team or the opportunity by DK to use her skills.

Pretty obvious he meant 47, but yeah, pretty rough gaff. This one really isn't even on Romney anyway. I'm sure some supporter who knows a bit of smartphone coding (but not spell check obviously) made this and Romney never even saw it.

This is interesting, since I just watched a series of YouTube videos yesterday. This one couldn't be more appropriate:

This isn't about a small company verses a large company. Since when the fuck is HP a small company. I worked for a startup for almost two years before I decided to go back to college. I loved it and would love to do so again. It is a completely different experience.

Yes, they are doing that now. What happens next year when WebOS is still failing? Why would you stay in a job that could disappear anytime soon when you could go work for one of the more stable tech companies?

Bingo about not being first, but being right. I am absolutely not an Apple fan, but the bottom line is that they were the first company to make a smartphone that everyone wanted to have. Sure, it didn't initially do basic things like MMS and was far from the first smartphone, or even touchscreen smartphone. What it

"If someone is doing something that doesn't hurt anyone else than what is the problem?"

Yeah, I don't watch Fringe myself, so I'm not familiar, but on Bones, there is a featured car in almost every new episode where they spend at least 1-2 full minutes talking about whatever new car they have and the great features it has. I remember last season (I think) where they kept showing their Toyota parallel

Does anyone know how this works with regards to the developers? I know a lot of the devs on Amazon's marketplace hated the terms that came attached with being a free app of the day.

What difference does it make if it naturally grows? You are either for making drugs legal or not. There is no legally valid reason to consider whether they naturally grow. People's idea that things that are "natural" are always good just annoys me.

Umm . . . I'm not sure how to respond to this but I'll try:

Agree completely! Hopefully Conan is working on booking him right now. On a side note, I watched Conan on Letterman the other day and their anti-Leno banter was hilarious.

Free publicity? Perhaps he didn't want the free publicity. And it wasn't just publicity. Leno used it as content for his show, for which he gets paid by advertisers. If I make a movie, I can't just put whatever songs I want in it without paying royalties to the owners and then make the argument that I was giving

I am pretty sure that DVR doesn't count towards ratings anyway, which is an issue for me. Ratings are calculated from Neilsen boxes, and I may be wrong, but I think those only count what you watch live.

+1,000 to Bones. I enjoy the show and have watched for years, but the in show ads have gotten so ridiculous recently. It's not just that they are there, but that they are so blatant and obvious.

Dish isn't removing the commercials. They are giving their customers a convenient way to skip them when watching recorded DVR content. You seem to be confused about what this thing does when you say "remove".

You obviously have never lived paycheck to paycheck. There have been several times in my life where if I was called for jury duty, there was a good chance I would not have been able to pay most of my bills and lost my apartment and my car. That is the problem with forced jury duty with no pay. A lot of people can't

Thievery? HP was going to fire most if not all of them.

Who cares if it is five years after the competition? It's not like people are comparing it to the first iPhone or the first Android phones. Windows 7 Phone is a legit competitor to the mobile space today and it will build market share with Microsoft's marketing power. I am not a Windows Phone user myself, but it

You are missing the main point. You don't get in trouble for downloading a CD. When you torrent, you are uploading the data you have already downloaded, while you finish. You are getting in trouble for illegally sharing the CD while and/or after you downloaded it. You may have shared that CD with 10,000 people, or