Jim Babwe

And I mean this in all sincerity.

I apologize and should have made my point respectfully.

Lit Bards sounds like a good name for a band that performs Medieval bardic poetry with a dubstep twist.

This feels very Buzzfeed-y, and not as AV Clubby as I’m comfortable with.

I’m not defending people acting like assholes because I don’t think those people are acting like assholes. I think you’re acting like an asshole. Asshole.

Chomsky is a truly important academic in his field, which Peterson is not. Also, not to dunk on the good American people, but your government is a disgrace to us, 3rd worlders. 

“I needed a new burner to show everyone that I am still the hypocrite who claims The Root is racist by putting words in the mouths of the writers when there is nothing to substantiate my claims. I’m an insufferable, uneducated, mouth-breathing maggot consumed by hate.”

I just pour a bit into the cap, then pour the cap into my ear. Your way obviously works too. 

Links are helpful, otherwise it’s just conjecture. Also, you should be screaming at Chick-Fil-A for “caving”, not into this void, where we feed on your self-righteous bile and your caping for multinational corporations who don’t give a shit if you (for whatever reason) feel compelled to defend them. 

I am asking this because I am genuinely curious (along with some feedback):

The candidates you favor are almost all centrist corporate sell-outs, telling us what we want to hear, but offering half-measures, and equivocating when the big donors tell them they don’t like something. Your commentary is simply extension of the smear tactics used in 2016 against Sanders.

“What advice would you give to your teenage black son or daughter when dealing with police”.

Do as thy wilth in this life...but there is a cost. God is holy.

Bernie “I have the most multi-racial coalition” Sanders. Looks like enough people are figuring out that Bernie’s bold and comprehensive policies will serve far more good for racial equality than the act of pandering or political dodging a question the way virtually any other candidate would have treated this

The question was what would he tell his black son to do in the case he was pulled over. This article pretends it’s his general response to racial injustice in America. I challenge someone here to answer this question in a meaningfully better way, considering that it is you giving advice to your black son.

Mostly just people dunking on Prager and Corolla. Nothing war-like so far

So if you disagree you’re transphobic?

Honestly, there is ZERO reason to disagree with this. It’s the same product. No one will be affected. Therefore, FUCK YES IT’S PHOBIA IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH IT.

I am astonished by Rizov’s constitution for watching these things. The only way I could possibly watch five minutes of this, much less the whole thing, is if some berserk viking impaled me to the theater chair with a spear.