Jim Babwe

SNL was never that good, but it wasn’t always this bad. And I’m just talking about the writing, not the political views of some of the guests.

Let Palestinians have an actual country then we can criticize it for its human rights issues. But the treatment of women or gay people does not justify what Israel has been doing to Palestine for the last 75 years.

Ignoring the millions of Palestinians who already live in other Arab countries (there are three million in Jordan alone), no country wants to take in the entirety of the Gazan population because they don’t want to be party to ethnic cleansing.

The absolute best part of the interview:

There is an actual definition of genocide and what Israel is currently doing absolutely meets that definition. It does not require the complete elimination of an ethnic group. The hallmark of genocide is the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a ethnic, religious or other group. Israeli leaders at all levels have

“The eradication of Israel” could also mean the creation of a secular democracy that serves the interests of all citizens within it, rather than an apartheid ethnostate as Israel currently exists. Nobody would have to die. Nobody would have to leave.

This situation is not nearly as “nuanced” or “complicated as Zionists would have you believe . . .

The president of Israel justifies their use of overwhelming force against civilian areas by saying all Palestinians bear a responsibility for their government because they haven’t overthrown it yet. Now apply that logic to Israel which has had more elections in the past three years than Gaza has ever had.

I would not condemn Native Americans for committing violence against European settlers just I wouldn’t condemn Nat Turner for killing white people during his rebellion just I won’t condemn Hamas for resisting Israeli occupation. I can recognize that they committed atrocities and call for them to be held responsible

See, my own personal deadpool was ‘Kissinger vs Chomsky’. Either way, perhaps the universe is not so bleak after all . . .

I just wanted the game to not be popular enough to get any sequels or spinoffs. Because given Bethesda’s production schedule, if they add those to their rotation I doubt I’ll live long enough to be disappointed by the Elder Scrolls VII.

jfc . . . Whoever taught liberals the word “tankie” needs to be shot. Now it just means “someone to my left who I don’t like”. Susan Sarandon is not even a communist, let alone a Marxist-Leninist, let alone a Marxist-Leninst who believes in the use of force in order suppress what they perceive to be as revisionism

So have you just not been following this story since October 7th? Because most of what Israel has said happened that day turned out to be false. There were no beheaded babies (only one dead baby and Israel can’t say who killed because the IDF shelled houses at the kibbutzim killing Israeli civilians along with Hamas

On a scale from 1 - 10, how dumb are you?

More than just wanting them to power . . .

The IDF is a more efficiently genocidal organization than Hamas. I’m not sure why you’re bringing them up as if they deserve respect.

Pretty well, actually. At least compared to how they fared in Europe during the same period. What really galls me about the Israel conflict is how Westerners are so quick to forget their own role in perpetuating antisemitism (cough the Holocaust cough cough). Let’s not forget how this all started . . .

TBF, you’re a complete fucking moron.

I think a bigger problem in the world right now is the genocide that Israel is currently doing against Gaza.

At this point I think I’d be more surprised to learn that a male musician famous before the year 2000 didn’t rape anyone. “Weird” Al and Raffi excepted . . . I hope . . .