Jim Babwe

lol,. Hamas went after military targets, too. That was what they were after. They just happened to also hit several civilian areas as well because Israel surrounds the world’s largest open air prison with which they have been at war since 2006 with civilian settlements. Yet somehow the phrase “human shields” never

“You know what would end this? Ethnic cleansing.” - you

So how do you know it happened?

Links or it didn’t happen.

So when Israel has settlers surrounding all of their military outposts near the world’s largest open air prison, that’s not using human shields?

You just created this account today. You will not face any real-world consequences for posting anything. I can only conclude that you have no such links to post because no such videos exist.

Oh, so Israel can kill whoever it wants to so long as “it’s not their mission”. Who cares if Israel “accidentally” kills thousands? Because Israeli officials claim that Hamas “deliberately” targets civilians. And we should just believe them.

Post a link

I defy you to provide proof that anything you mentioned actually happened. Show me the proof of women being raped. Show me the proof of babies being torn from their mothers wombs. Why can we take Israel at its word but not the Gazan health ministry?

Please explain to me how Hamas are terrorists for killing civilians but the IDF aren’t. Because the IDF has already killed literally thousands of civilians in their bombing of Gaza. Why aren’t they terrorists, too?

Do you happen to have any idea how many Palestinian children are currently in Israeli custody? (hint: it’s at least one order of magnitude higher than the number of children currently being held by Hamas.)

What makes Hamas’ killing of civilians any more terroristic than the IDF’s? Because the IDF has already killed well over 3,000 children since October 7th.Why can they kill civilians but Hamas can’t?

And at what point during that show did people laugh? During the story about his daughter being hospitalized due to a hate crime?

What part of the lie about his daughter being hospitalized due to a hate crime was “comedy”?

Can’t people see the difference between a comedian like Steven Wright who actually tells jokes that are funny in order to make the audience laugh, and a comedian like Hasan Minhaj who tells stories that aren’t funny in order to make the audience clap and nod in agreement? Don’t you think people would be understandably

Setting aside the fact that Youssef explicitly did denounce Hamas and ignoring your obvious bad faith attempt to conflate opposition to Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing as support for Hamas, let’s actually take a look at Hamas and compare them to the IDF. Israel has already killed more civilians than Hamas did on

Israel’s version of 9/11 indeed . . .

Gaza is literally surrounded by walls, except for their coastline which is heavily policed and any boat straying out of the approved waters gets immediately fired upon by the IDF. There are only two active crossings, one controlled by Egypt, the other Israel. The people of Gaza cannot leave. Israel controls everything

Because after Israel spent decades propping them up and undermining the secular forces of the PLO like Fatah and the PFLP, which were unquestionably heroic and very sympathetic figures to westerners, Hamas is the only group left actively fighting for Palestinian liberation. It sucks that that’s the case, but Israel

That whole “if you’re sitting at a table with Nazis you’re a Nazi too” thing stopped being applied when we looked past all the neo-Nazis NATO was supporting in Ukraine. Meanwhile one guy pulls up a picture of a swastika on his phone at a pro-Palestine protest (he couldn’t even get a physical representation into that