Jim Abbott's Right Hand Man

My wife and I are staying with her uncle in the city this week. I’m not familiar with all of the stops but I’m wondering if this is neat that circle shopping center, sort of near a Century 21. Vague description, I know but on our walk back to his place on 70th from Times Square, there were about 15 fire and ambulance,

You’re undervalued around here.

It won’t matter who runs against that piece of shit in that district. There are so many racist backwards farmers, he’ll never lose. I’m embarrassed to be an Iowan every time I see his name in headlines.

There are no excuses. I can’t speak for Maher or white people, but as a white man, I am sorry. I have nothing of value to add to the conversation, but I am sorry.

I’ve never had them, just trying to fit in with the general tone of the deadspin commenters.  

Possibly the first time the words “cronuts” and “douche” were used in the same sentence without the sentence being “if you eat cronuts, you are a douche.”

I have a story similar, but more frustrating. I ran college track with a NOP athlete that I won’t name. He was a national champion in college and it used to piss me off how well he performed because I would beat him in every. Single. Practice rep. I mean every one. But when the lights came on, nobody was beating that

I’ve always taken pride in the running noses of Americans.

Underrated. Would star again.

“Children: 5"

Not easy to do with mommy and daddy thinking junior is perfect.

Nope. There are consequences for being an outspoken douche. Deal with it.

The last paragraph about the toughness of the mind and body to break through that wall is great stuff. Getting through that wall for a sub 3 is one of the greatest endeavors of my life. I cannot fathom the amount of heart needed to be anywhere near 2 hours. The ability, heart, and finesse of these guys cannot be

If other teachers could stop abusing and/or fucking their students, those of us who care about our profession as educators would greatly appreciate that.

Iowa resident here— I’ve seen a lot of Trump/Hawkeye fans (unsurprisingly) decrying a “lesbian who sucked at her job” costing the taxpayers because of a liberal agenda last night and today on Facebook. I have since cleaned up my friend list.

I am so sorry that the black community has to go through this again and again. I am so sorry that you have to fear for your children’s lives. I am so sorry that nothing is changing for you in this country. I really have nothing of value to add to this conversation, but I am so sorry.


This was a research assignment about anyone in history just to clear that part up. I understand your point but I think we’ll have to respectfully agree to disagree. There is no reason to display a swastika. In any context. Ever. That is, of course, only my opinion.

...nothing is wrong with it. Other than the fact that my wife has to walk by a giant fucking swastika every single day. But nothing other than that.