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    That's a valid point. But beyond their simply being there they have as much personality and presence as the nameless goons you run around shooting people as in Call of Duty (i.e. none).

    No, they don't have to do that. I'm not saying that they should.

    I'm a grizzled, straight white dude (the beard is temporary) and I often feel pretty damn uncomfortable by how over-represented my demographic is. Not only is it tiresome content-wise, but the fact that this kind of thing is a big deal highlights how little coverage there is in certain circles.

    Every child deserves a role model they can relate to. Everyone deserves a mirror image that actually reflects who they are. Nobody deserves to be ignored because they're allegedly un-marketable.

    So I shouldn't express my opinion?

    The devil you know, for lack of a better adage. It seems easier for some game developers (looking at you, Dead or Alive folks) to make boob physics than it is for them to impart any substance or meaning in their characters.

    And some companies aren't required to hire women but do anyway. And people aren't required to drive the speed limit but do anyway. And civilization doesn't have to exist but it does anyway.

    Respectfully, I'm not doing this for you or anyone else. I'm not gay. I'm not a feminist. I'm not trying to save anyone. I'm just sick of seeing only my own demographic (heterosexual Caucasian male) often solely supported in a world that's full of anything but.

    Careful with that. Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's, but there's got to be a reason beyond simple attraction for a greater female presence in games beyond "dat ass".

    Clearly they don't, because they're still fighting.

    'You people'. Hah! What a laugh.

    It's not. I'm just that and there's nothing wrong with it.

    You're the one who started arguing about social justice warriors ... brah.

    Where's your statistical data to back up that fact? Anything less than an actual argument comes across like thinly-veiled misogyny.

    It's brilliant, and it has some of the best, most fleshed-out female characters in the industry. No joke. The Last of Us picks that particular ball and does an end run with it.

    There's nothing wrong with people arguing for their opinions.

    I understand reservation, but the people fighting this in the comments come across like uninformed jags. It's one thing to believe that implementing female characters is time-intensive, and it's another thing altogether to actively fight the entry of said characters for no other reason than misguided ignorance and

    They had one in a handheld game, and an animated short.

    I hope it's not your intention, but your comment's treading pretty close to offensive territory. Implying that women are only interested The Sims and casual smartphone games is a bit like saying that the only thing girls play with are Barbies and cooking sets.

    Your source for that information being what? There's far more to the videogame demographic than the Caucasian dudes that star in 90% of Ubisoft's games.