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    These comments are as tedious as the social justice crusaders rushing to fight them.

    Yes. Ignore them.

    Nothing's stopping you, mmkay?

    Bitching about people bitching is a dangerous spiral, compadre.

    Uncharted vs Gears of War?

    That's fine. Next time, try using one to five said fucks to come up with your own joke.

    Get me a hard copy right there.

    I see your ad blimp, and raise you one Japanese birth control skyscraper billboard.

    "... If it means I can walk around muttering "enhance" and shooting at robots ..."

    Look! The point's over there! If you hurry you might get there in time!

    Yes, Tyrell Industries is really pushing rain-drenched 2018 LA's liberal buttons this year.

    It's true. Your .gifs have more artistic depth than Battlefield games.

    That sounds rough, and probably pretty accurate.

    I'll grab some popcorn and watch from a safe distance.

    I'm not a fan of purposeless corporation-bashing, but here's to you anyway, Ubisoft.

    No. Go apeshit.

    If anything the Quebec tax-slam could make them even worse. Nothing makes corporations nasty and needy like tighter earnings.

    The latter. Doing a poor job of it, anyway.

    Just you wait. This flagrant act of aggressive instigation will be paid for yet!

    Give it time. The Steam demons will consume your finances yet.