
You're wearing a bodysuit right now aren't you?

Nobody complains when guy wears suit like this. Stop being sexist about it! :p

Oh, boob armor. You never fail to make me laugh at your absurdity. I guess this is just too boring for the 14 year old boys to look at isn't it?

One of the guys on Cracked once said that the best mechanism for feeling old is not, "Oh, such-and-such movie came out 20 years ago" - it's when the next generation does something so bizarre and disturbing to you that you can't even explain to them why it bothers you so much.

The example he gave was the generalization

But what if your brain AND eyes hate Michael Bay films?


Glad to see the drive to legitimize video games as sports blew up in everyone's face.

This is hilarious

Played through it like 4 times, the story significantly changing each time I did it. Even the gunplay could be fun once you got a decent bit in.

Unpossible is a joke from the Simpsons. One of the characters failed English and said "Me fail English? Thats unpossible!"

It took you 4 minutes to watch a 2 minute video?

dammit I'm gonna miss Senor Chang!!

With the same fade in and out and tense music that always suddenly stop after an ever accelerating beat.

Are we forgetting the female characters in the multiplayer?

Enhance your calm, my dead revolutionary who now wades into internet arguments for no purpose. My add-ons were pointed, yes. It's just that I never saw 45% of the midnight lines for any game or system I've ever waited for as being even close to female. In all, they might have come out to under 5%. I go in to

I'm a queer white dude - so I get 2 of the 3 main boxes checked. It's frustrating as hell for me because 1. Queer dudes are hard to find, and 2. My partner loves gaming more then I do and she can't find anything that represents her. And studios actively shit all over over with comments about how her gender isn't worth

Maybe the reason why it's 80% male is due to the fact that these action games have been almost exclusively pandering to males for decades. Maybe if Ubisoft wants a broader demographic of players, they could at least try to acknowledge people outside of their core demographic.