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    GTA V PC

    I know the same thing happened more than once (snipers and music, strangely). It's comforting to know that however screwed up things get, as long at least a few participants are still sane, there will always be small acts of reason and human decency.

    I always played it the less-than-totally-responsible, since it's an attitude of denial. Also, he needs to be able to talk to his sister, who wouldn't if it was absolutely 100% his fault.

    Japan's initial intention was to try to hit America hard enough that they would sue for white peace and reopen the oil lines. America did the complete opposite in a gigantic ironclad Marine-led double middle-finger.

    The first time I heard it it definitely sounded like an episode from Band of Brothers or The Pacific (the latter to a lesser degree; for whatever reason, I haven't heard as many of these stories from the Pacific Theater - my best guess is the harsh environment and brutal fighting styles coupled with perceived racial

    Well then, we should listen, folks. Glenn Beck knows all about hacking.

    I've played him straight Max Payne since I started the game.

    Because a Conservative corporate wasteland is the answer. Yes, Obama is Satan and Medicaid is a giant Communist scam designed to trick the innocent and god-fearing average American.

    My Kinja persona is a semi-ironic take on the old adage: "one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist". My belief is that it's important to keep perspective, even when it comes to despicable, misguided choices and the people who make them.

    The path to reconciliation, forgiveness, and a better world comes through the power of peace and mutual understanding, and learning from the mistakes of the past instead of simply repeating them.

    Bah! CIA propaganda.

    Two words, one number, two acronyms:

    Interesting. I'm the total opposite. The Hype Train never seems to stop at my station and usually just ends up bugging the living sh*t out of me.

    Yes, because more rape and murder piled on an already-hefty pile of rape and murder equates to an 'enjoyable liberation'. Do you listen to "There'll be a Hot Time in the Town of Berlin" in the shower?

    Yes, Communism is watching us all right now, waiting to strike.

    While Fascism, and by extent Nazism, is one of the worst socio-political catastrophes that has befallen humankind, I think it's important to remember that while unjust war may be started and maintained by leaders and ideals, the average foot soldier fighting in their name isn't an automatic extension of them.

    Doesn't really matter what they started as. By the time the Red Army rolled into town the so-called National Socialist Party made the American right-wing Communist paranoia of the 1950s look like a gigantic "We Love Stalin" convention.

    AC/Watch_Dogs/Vampire spinoff?

    That's terrible. Hilarious (in an exclusively-virtual scenario), but terrible.

    Sounds great. Once I'm done my current backlog I'll give it a look.