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    Comrades, pour this one a shot from el tequila! Games for everyone!

    Glad to hear it, and I look forward to doing so.

    A crime Dishonoured is guilty of too (in spades). My opinion has always been that good art direction can make up for technical shortcomings, a trend that seems to have been continued here.

    Cheers, Steve.

    Yeah, I'm thinking Steam sale. Thanks for the advice.

    You'd be surprised. I've found a lot of games with strong artistic direction and "painted" visuals (looking at you, Dishonoured) actually look better in motion than they do while still.

    Awesome. Repetitive textures are the bane of my PC existence.

    The art direction looks phenomenal. This baby's mine come next Steam sale.

    PC here too. My game budget's a bit on the low side now, but it's on my Steam wishlist for a rainy, Nazi-free day.

    It's a Starbreeze title, right? That would certainly explain the Butcher Bay influence.

    Getting a real Dishonoured vibe from the lighting scheme. In a good way.

    I'm sure her knuckles and ribs will appreciate it. I got cracked good a couple of times here and there. Sticks and stones might not break bones, but they sure can leave a mark.

    As I said, in retrospect I'm not exactly in favour of doling them out to kids.

    In duel situations, certainly. I studied European fencing, Aikido, Kendo, and Iaido from a young age, and was considered something of a dueling prodigy in the small town where I grew up.

    This makes me feel nostalgic for the wooden swords my brother, friends, and I used to fight with. We got bruises and welts by the dozens, but there was something poignant about the lack of foam and lights.

    It's a foam sword, hombre. I don't think formal training comes in the package.

    Foam swords (and straight wooden swords, like the kinds I used as a kid) aren't new. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen the way loaded firearms are. If you provide your child with this, the responsibility for their immediate foam sword-related safety is on you.

    That's how the knights of yore fought. Bodychecks and groin kicks.

    Look above for missed-joke self-troll.

    Command, I'm detecting something on radar here. It's huge and it's ... uh ... coming in fast.