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    It's the flyboy version, I guess. It's what my folks et al have called it, so maybe it's just a Canuck thing. I know for a fact some of the older pilots reminisce about the days when, hypothetically, you could get within visual range of another jet before being spanked.

    The term comes from the old pre-long range air-to-air missile days when enemy pilots would go head-to-head, mostly with static-mount machineguns, in dogfights. It's a modern appropriation of that to match the growing use of the term "warfighter".

    Even after he killed my Bro's friends and shit.

    I'm not Army myself, though I count a good number of retired Army special forces operators as close friends and life-long mentors. My family's mostly air force, making 'dogfighter' more appropriate than 'warfighter'.

    AKs and RPGs? Crazed militant despots in the Himalayas?

    He's posing on the cover, same as Vaas et al. By modern Far Cry standard's it's the villain. I'm sure he'll have random murderous tendencies and a weird accent, just like all the others.

    Wouldn't be the Army if there were things like "oversight" or "weekly meetings". The quickest way to get something done is quote Patton and yell a ton.

    You have no work papers? Work papers needed for foreigners. Move along.

    American lies! Guards, lower this traitor's songbun!

    "... No matter how abstract they are, these pictures describe systems that the U.S. military uses to make optimal, efficient decisions about killing other humans."

    Where in God's name's your sense of protocol, son? Hot damn.

    Run your DIH (Diagram Is Horrible) up the NEA (Not Enough Acronyms) chain. I'm sure someone in the HROTSQXJD will give it a looksie post-brief.

    And for the token.

    Indeed. Hopefully that same similarity can help Call of Duty pick up some of the things Titanfall did right in throwing a new spin on an old, old ball. A paradigm shift is needed if the franchise wants to stay more than financially relevant.

    It's true what you say, but still. I highly doubt that I'm the only one making this particular comparison, and not without merit. If Call of Duty wasn't Call of Duty, I have no doubt this would be dismissed with all due frivolity as a Titanfall ripoff, pure and simple.

    It's not a bad thing - just rampantly derivative.

    Meh. It's a complete Titanfall ape. You can play the real deal right now.

    Oh, absolutely. I was just citing one positive example of what working at a big company can get versus working solo or on a small team. I think that personal enjoyment should be the first thing to look for in any job or career.

    It's incredibly overused in most media genres to the point of over-saturation, with a few notable exceptions such as The Book of Eli. I'm not always a huge Denzel Washington fan, but man does he pulls that role off.

    To paraphrase Ron Swanson: