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    I was speaking more in terms of PsychoNun's case. Unless, of course, he's a really optimistic member of the Indian branch in which case I take it all back.

    Well hey, I don't doubt it. Gameloft does very well financially, and I'm sure the pay and benefits are more than adequate, in addition to other things. Honest congratulations for finding a steady job in an often-unsteady industry.

    Here's me.

    God help us all.

    Pony Rides

    It's Gameloft. There's an intelligence blackout.

    One gun-totin' immigrant-hatin' gay-bash at a time.

    Neither franchise fares well from that comparison.

    They're an endless stream of lucrative ape-fests.

    That's healthy, and how it should be. Life would be boring if everyone had the same perspective.

    Getting from beginning to end without dying is perfectly possible. Dark Souls is only unfair when you're not paying attention. It rewards careful observation and punishes rash action - just like anything else in life requiring thought, including chess.

    Not in your opinion, maybe.

    What really went down ...

    Bravo, Ganon.

    Death in Dark Souls is a failure.

    What's the key part of that sentence? You.

    I've found the key in my own playthroughs of both games is the ability to both block and dodgeroll. Some stuff you can't block, and if you weigh a million pounds you're hooped. But if you're light and maneuverable without a good shield then you're potentially in big trouble if you can't get out of the way in time.

    You're limiting existentialism to a single facet - Dark Souls' deaths can be seen as representational of the endless stream of challenges in our own lives and how we as human beings can either stand up to those challenges and persevere despite seemingly-impossible odds or surrender and fade.

    It's said that true art inspires a strong emotional response, regardless of the nature of said response. Say what you will; you only further my point or miss it yourself.

    Some of the bosses feel much harder than the previous iteration, it's true. Although it feels to me like they actually have fewer movesets than Dark Souls. Old Dragonslayer, for instance, is a breeze solo once you figure out his move pattern. I beat him with only a single hit to my health.