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    I like it.

    Pip pip! Chin up there, old salt. They can only kill you so many times.

    Interesting. I had the complete opposite experience.

    It absolutely can be.

    Dun dun duuuuun.

    Join the club. We have jackets.

    I don't believe he's pretending to be anything. He's just a guy with good advice posting in a public place, and if that's enough to help people (or at least set them on the right path), I say good on him.

    Your call, chief.

    A figure of speech, but thanks for the correction anyway. I'm often quite the literalist with others, I always appreciate when the same courtesy is extended my way.

    They sound like urban Wind Scorpions. The more you know ...

    Thanks. I figured it was something in the centipede family, although it's much shorter than anything I've seen up here in Canadia.

    "I'm struggling with severe clinical depression, and even though I'm seeing a therapist and taking more pills than I count - some anti-depressants, some vitamin supplements, and a couple prescriptions for other things - none of it seems to be working."

    As long as they're not highly poisonous and actively trying to bite me, I find all members of the insect kingdom fascinating.

    Maybe, although as far as I've heard, clinical depression, which our friend #3 seems to possess, can quite nicely f**k up even the most seemingly-confident, self-possessed, and successful people.

    Says it's not cliche > is a dark witch named Siren who shows cleavage.

    On one note; yes, you're correct.

    True. Self-defeating self-pity is just that. If they were my friends, I'd give them all an honest heart-to-heart dose of tough love. If I've learned anything in life, it's that confidence and truth in words and in actions draw the fairer sex, and that self-doubt and self-destructive tendencies tend to push them away.

    Hopefully you're a troll.

    Valid points have been raised and answered with valid points.