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    What Hyperion said, and good luck.

    In one way or another, yes. Everyone is.

    Sweet Baby Jesus, this driver is awful.

    It's the devil.

    Orange? That's because it's really footage from the next Deus Ex game.

    That's because it's Deus Ex footage, duh.

    There there. I hear the next flights have multi-ethnic token crews.

    What in the name of a million infant Jesi was wrong with that crowd? Was there a faux frat party going on near the back of the room? Who let the morons in?

    More like the Undertaker's outfit looks familiarly awful.

    In fairness, it's already like that today versus how it used to be.

    That's nonsense.

    Next up: Edward Snowden Asks Obama To "Incarcerate" Zynga Founder

    I found a moon rock in my nose!

    You know what's really screwing up China's youth?

    What a moron.

    Mass Effect on Insanity is the only difficulty I'll play it at.

    You haven't seen enough, then.

    You know me: "Viva la blad-de-bla. Capitalism el mucho stupido."

    The alternative was having Joel in-character as Jeff Winger.