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    Yes, he did.

    In America, maybe.

    Loving the aesthetic.

    Just finished The Walking Dead last night.

    The best part of the Far Cry 2 ending was the jungle glade where you fight off and kill your old "friends", who've been hired to hunt you and The Jackal down.

    I wish modern driving games were more Drive and less Fast and Furious. In terms of gameplay they're usually quite good, and they look great, but in terms of character et al they've gotten progressively stupider.

    "... Very, very few bad games."

    Quite possibly the best thing ever.

    I'm back from my hiatus.

    I can agree to agree to that.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Aristotle once said that we are what we do and that excellence is habit.

    Why not?

    I know, right?

    Indeed it does. An astute statement, one I think I've come to agree with once viewing the pictures for a second time. The quality of the pictures is poor and I was tired when I first saw them.

    Next season on Breaking Bad ...

    Meh. Do or don't. They ARE repetitive.

    While I agree that a focus on the story is very important, I disagree about names alienating people. The Wheel of Time series, for example, is full of unique names, places, and ideas that made the story much, much better because of it.

    Mine lives under my couch.

    Oh, I do.