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    Fair enough.

    So you're saying the fact that I supposedly can't accept its so-called quality denies me the right to comment on the quality of videogames?

    Here. I want you to have this.


    Did you just call me a fag? Wow.

    The moral of my story is that Epic shouldn't have backed themselves into the macho corner, where they've successful pissed off feminist groups and could potentially anger some of their more "masculine" fans by trying to change formula.

    I'm hardly trolling.

    Halo Wars wasn't the first bloody Halo game. It wasn't the worst, no, but it's hardly the flagship of the series. It's a distraction, nothing more.

    Yes, how horrible.

    I know, I know. It's an 3PS. I get it.

    I was attempting to illustrate a point that these people were desperate and, quite frankly, had no idea what to do. The day everyone takes everything everyone says word for word is the day humanity falls apart.

    Shit on the walls? I've seen it firsthand. These people didn't have a lot of options or experience dealing with shituations like these. They were living in a wash of humanity's darkest side, a urine-soaked war zone.



    It all depends on where you go. In my experience, living in what is literally a giant trash pile in Cairo isn't exactly a day in Beverly Hills. I've seen shit and blood dripping off the ceiling.

    If it makes sense, sounds good, and fits with the lore they made up (i.e. didn't steal from Tolkien, Martin, et al) then hells yeah. Call your elf Adam Sandler for all I care.

    That's true.

    I have no words.

    Hmm. Minor concession granted.

    Run! Trekkies! They're everywhere!